CDC recommends wearing masks indoors for the first time


Americans should wear face masks indoors when not at home, first recommended by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as covid-19 rises across the country.

The recommendation on the use of face masks at all closed sites was included in the CDC’s weekly Morbidity and Mortality report, which mentioned high-level transmission of the virus in conjunction with the year-end holiday season. and warmer weather. the cold brought more people inside.

“Use consistent and correct mask a key public health strategy to reduce respiratory transmission “of covid-19, according to the report, adding that this was particularly important” in light of estimates that about half of new infections are transmitted from people they have symptoms “.

Masks are most important indoors, as recommended, and outdoors when a social distancing of six feet (1.8 meters) cannot be maintained. Inside homes, masks should also be worn when a member of the household is infected or has recently been exposed to COVID-19, according to CDC guidelines.

The advice comes after a period in which US President Donald Trump played down the use of face masks, even poking fun at President-elect Joe Biden.

The guide describes several steps to combat the virus.

Along with face masks and social distancing, the list includes: avoiding non-essential interior spaces; increase testing; quickly identify, quarantine and test close contacts of people with covid-19; protect those at increased risk of serious illness; provide essential workers with adequate personal protective equipment; postpone the trip; increase the ventilation of the ambient air; and, ultimately, achieve widespread availability and high community coverage of effective vaccines.


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