TikTok: Girl finds out she has coronavirus while recording video | the Chronicle


Maryn Short, a 19-year-old American, went viral on social media after sharing video in which he accidentally discovers while taking a popular challenge on TikTok that he had symptoms of Covid-19.

Following one of the trends of the social network of Chinese origin, Short he tried to register his reaction by trying an extremely sweet drink; however, the result was very different from what I expected. “It’s tasteless. Why can’t I taste it? Do I have Covid?”, we hear her say worried in the video.

“I was hoping it was super sweet,” he said, as the drink is made with whipped cream, five servings of vanilla syrup and three of caramel. “I was very excited to try it,” but “it didn’t have any flavor, it was something very strange and hard to describe,” the teenager said.

Since they were shared TIC Tac less than a week ago the pictures were reproduced over 3.2 million times and has already surpassed 750,000 likes. Likewise, the tiktoker has added other videos in which he consumes other types of food and tries to explain how difficult it is to eat without savoring the food.

Fortunately, Shortno had, so far, other symptoms in addition to his lack of taste and some congestion. He said he had a fever earlier this week, but is fine now. She plans to quarantine herself for at least 10 days or until all of her symptoms are gone, as recommended by her doctor.

“I’m glad I said so [el TikTok] because a lot of people commenting said I made people understand that they should get tested “, counted. “Whenever people think of Covid, especially people my age, we are told to stay safe for our seniors. I don’t think people think of teens or their 20s who have Covid., indicated in the dialogue with Buzzfeed.

So far, according to the latest data from Johns Hopkins University, The United States remains the country worst affected by the coronavirus pandemic, recording more than 14.5 million infections and 281,173 deaths.

The video in which the young woman discovers that she has coronavirus


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