Venezuela closed vote to renew parliament – News


“So far, we have not known any circumstances to regret, everything is currently happening in a civic and peaceful manner,” said the attorney general appointed by the Constituent Assembly, Tarek Saab, shortly before the polls closed, according to television Globovision.

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The 29,622 tables set up in just over 14,200 polling centers were open for 13 hours (from 6 to 19 locals, 7 to 20 in Argentina), after an hour was added at the last minute after that the ruling party called for execution. an “auction operation” so that “no one is left without a vote”.

Various local media reflected citizens’ claims that the process was simple and fluid, and leaders opposed to the government assured that this was due to low turnout, which independent surveys estimated ahead of the election would reach between 22% and 40% before the elections. the decision of the majority of the opposition to abstain.

The level of participation embodied the main controversy of the time, from the first exhortations in Twitter President Nicolás Maduro (“We go with joy to the electoral centers to vote; it is a memorable day when no one should stay at home”) and opposition leader Juan Guaidó (“Stay at home, today ‘hui will be the best way to reject fraud “).

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After voting at a school located in the military garrison of Fuerte Tiuna – despite being enrolled in another in the popular neighborhood of Catia, where he voted in the previous elections – Maduro accused Guaidó of an alleged campaign “to prevent the elections”.

“They gave Guaidó a lot of tickets for a Red October, for a November uprising, but he couldn’t, even for that,” the president said, according to the agency. Europa press.

“The process was satisfactory as regards the participation, the organization, the setting up of the tables, in the presence of the voters”, declared the number two of Chavism and candidate for the deputation, the captain Diosdado Cabello, after having voted in the state. Monagas, in the east of the country, according to the news agency Sputnik.

On the other hand, the Anti-Fraud Observatory of the AN assured that only 16.1% of the electoral lists had voted until 4 p.m. and forecast an attendance of less than 20% for the whole day, according to the newspaper. As such.

Venezuela completely renews the composition of the NA every five years and in the three previous elections the turnout was 25.26% in 2005 (also then the opposition abstained), 66.45% in 2010 and 71% in 2015, when the Opposition won comfortably and won two-thirds of the seats.

By all forecasts, this Sunday’s elections will determine the return of the ruling party to absolute control of the country’s five public authorities


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