They pour 25 times more chlorine in a swimming pool: 6 serious children – News


Thirty people were poisoned in a Russian swimming pool after pouring 25 times more chlorine into the water than recommended.

Most were hospitalized, including 21 children from a school, following the incident in Astrakhan, in the south of the country. According to Anastasia Krotova, spokesperson for the governor of the region, six of the minors are in intensive care in a “serious” state with oxygen supply. RIA Novosti.

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People suffered from respiratory and eye problems. It was “a mistake of the staff responsible for cleaning the pool complex”, according to preliminary reports.

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Footage from the scene shows workers in full protective suits and respiratory equipment at the scene, using a data logger.

Another video shows swimmers’ clothes, towels and personal effects strewn across the floor of a locker room.

Dynamo, the Astrakhan gymnasium where all 30 people were intoxicated.

The video also shows officers inspecting chlorine tanks in a restricted area of ​​the gymnasium, which was immediately closed.

Astrakhan Regional Governor Igor Babushkin was pictured visiting the Astrakhan Children’s Clinical Hospital to speak to the families of those affected.

Chlorine is a disinfectant added to swimming pool water to kill germs.

Report by Marcos Calligaris.


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