Germany: severe restrictions due to second wave of infections


German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Wednesday announced a request for approval of new restrictive measures to deal with the second wave of infections where the country has reached a record 590 deaths.

In a touching speech, the official reaffirmed the need to deepen health care to prevent Covid-19 from continuing to claim victims.

“If we have too much contact the days before Christmas, and it will be the last Christmas with our grandparents, then we will have done something wrong,” he warned.

Merkel considered justified the proposals of a group of experts who advocate the closure between Christmas and mid-January of all non-food stores as well as schools.

Angela Merkel. “If we have too much contact the days before Christmas, and it will be the last Christmas with our grandparents, then we will have done something wrong,” he warned. (AP)

The new measures imply an advance of school holidays; restriction of meetings and personal contacts in the days leading up to Christmas and closure of the shopping area until January 10.

“There is too much contact between people. I am very sorry, but if that means paying a daily price of 590 dead, from my point of view it is not acceptable,” said the Chancellor.

For now, restaurants, bars, sports and leisure facilities are closed, as well as tourist hotels. Schools and non-essential stores, meanwhile, remain open. However, Merkel has asked state governments to consider closing schools before Christmas.


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