The tragic fate of the murdered former adviser in the United States


A tragic coincidence between mother and daughter. Nine years ago, the former counselor of Campana Andrea Marina García (53) said goodbye to her mother who had been murdered in her home after a robbery. To hide evidence, the accused set the woman’s bedroom on fire. But it was of little use to him as he was later arrested and sentenced. Last Wednesday part of this story was repeated since the mayor was a victim of insecurity, but in the United States where she had gone to visit her daughter. A thief entered the house and shot her dead after a struggle to avoid aggression.

“Polaca” García had traveled to the American city of Phoenix to find his daughter Julieta, once flights were activated in Argentina due to the pandemic. They had planned to return to the country together to spend the holidays in Campana, but their plans were cut short.

As Julieta told her loved ones, Wednesday night, a criminal entered the duplex where he lived for about five years in a large residential complex in Phoenix. The former counselor was downstairs, while her daughter was upstairs. There he attacked her.

    Councilor Garcia Campana 20201211

They entered the neighborhood, which is as if it was a Nordelta. They broke into the house and surprised her on the ground floor of the duplex. Apparently Andrea, who was a very brave and courageous person, tried to wrestle or fire the gun and was hit near the chest», Explained to Telam Facundo Aphlalo, member of the Peronist Restoration Movement (MRP) of Campana of which García was a member and who was like a son to the victim.

García had a return ticket for November 20, but “because of those things in life” he changed the tickets to go back to Julieta yesterday, Aphlalo said.

I have no words but a lump in my throat that’s killing me inside. I will love you all my Polish life with my heart, fly high and always guide me, ”Aphlalo wrote on his social media and the text accompanied it with a photo kissing García. “There the queen is waiting for you, El Gallego and Hernán … a family celebration, like the ones you dreamed of so much. For me you will always be my angel watching me“, full.

Councilor Garcia Campana 20201211
The former counselor with her mother Reina García.

Reina was Andrea’s mother. In fact it was called Nigdia Filomena Yegros, but everyone knew her as Reina García. I was 79 when was assassinated on August 9, 2011 in his house on San Lorenzo Street in the Villanueva district.

The woman was initially thought to have died after inhaling carbon monoxide because a fire source had been recorded in the room where the body was found. But then the autopsy determined that she had been beaten and the hypothesis of violent theft began to be studied.

It didn’t take long to reach the suspect. A man who had recently been released following a robbery was targeted, he was in a relationship with a neighbor of the victim and witnesses saw him talking with Reina a moment before the alleged accidental fire.

    Councilor Garcia Campana 20201211
Antonio Pellegrino was sentenced to life imprisonment for the crime of Reina García.

This is how Antonio “Nito” Pellegrino Gallucio was arrested in the house he shared with his mother in the Buenos Aires city of Lanús, about 80 kilometers from Campana. Police officers They found several personal effects stolen from García on the property, including two retirement fundraising cards and a painting the local Justice Party gave him in 2006 for his activist career, was reported in chronicles from that time.

According to the reconstruction of the prosecutor in the case, Alejandro Irigoyen, the victim with other people had spoken that day with Pellegrino Gallucio. The accused took advantage when the victim was left alone and beat her to steal her. Then he set the room on fire to erase his tracks. But he did not succeed.

Two years later, he was sentenced to life imprisonment for “double homicide aggravated with treason”. This issue was resolved unanimously by Oral Criminal Court No. 2 preceded by Judge Daniel Rópolo.

After reading the verdict, Andrea was present with her daughter and other people. As Pellegrino Gallucio spoke to his lawyer as if nothing had happened, the life sentence against him was heard accompanied by loud applause from those present.

Nine years later, a new fact of insecurity mourns the family of the former counselor. But this time he has it as a victim on the other side of the American continent.


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