The first monolith appeared in South America: which city had “honor”? | the Chronicle


Since the appearance of metal monolith In the desert of Utah, in America, Similar structures have not stopped appearing in different parts of the world: Romania, Holland, Spain and in other cities on American soil. And now the phenomenon has spread to South America.

Paraguayan citizens found last Friday a strange metal monolith on a slope between the Hû and San Rafael hills, in the city of Paraguarí (homonymous department), in the eastern region of Paraguay.

This room is two meters high and has attracted the attention of residents, police and military personnel of the Special Operations Group (GOE). The Director of the Paraguarian Police, Ruben Dario Llanes, told local media that the monolith would be lined with zinc.

But that’s not all, as the mystery grew when the townspeople discovered that above, a plate that would have a text written in Morse code.

Finally, a few hours later, a police persobak removed the structure from the site and began an investigation to determine its origin.

The metal frame had a Morse code message.

Theories and explanations

The origin of these structures, generally in uncrowded areas, has generated all kinds of theories and explanations, some more plausible than others.

As in other phenomena that are difficult to explain in the first place, some people attributed these works to extraterrestrial beings who visited the earth.

However, there are other types of explanations, as in the case of the concept art group, known as the “The most famous artist”‘, which was credited with the authorship of the monoliths placed in the United States and Romania.

But nothing has been said about the recent discovery in Paraguay and so far there is no explanation for this exercise.


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