They identify a variant of Covid-1 in Great Britain …


UK Health Minister Matt Hancock confirmed in the House of Commons on Monday that health officials have identified a new variant of the coronavirus which could be linked to the faster spread of cases in southeastern Britain .

“The initial analysis suggests that this variant is growing faster than the existing variants,” Hancock said. He added that 1,000 cases of the new variant had so far been identified in Britain.

“Currently, there is no reason to believe that this variant is more likely to cause serious disease, and the latest clinical opinion is that this mutation is very unlikely to fail to respond to a vaccine,” he noted.

Hancock explained that similar variants of the coronavirus had already been identified in other countries in recent months and also in Britain, whose health authorities had notified the World Health Organization (WHO). He added that public health experts would continue to analyze the recently identified variant of the virus in it.

In addition, the minister announced that London and the counties of Essex (east of England) and Kent (south-east), are passing the maximum level of restrictions, so that from Wednesday they will have to close bars and restaurants, except for home deliveries.

“The reappearance of coronavirus cases in our capital is of deep concern,” said Mayor of London Sadiq Khan.

In the case of London, this would be the third practice lockdown it has faced since the spring. “The economic impact on businesses can be catastrophic, with the livelihoods of hundreds of thousands of people at risk,” added the mayor, who asked the central executive for financial and logistical assistance.

Level 3 of “very high alert” implies the closure of the hotel and gastronomy sector, with the exception of take-out establishments. It also forces the closure of museums and galleries, cinemas and theaters, bowling, bingo halls and other cultural and entertainment establishments.

The UK has registered 1,854,490 infections, placing it sixth in the count of countries around the world, with a total of 64,267 deaths with the same position in the death register table.


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