Amid persecution and shooting, the last fugitive from the Sixth Police Station fell


In the midst of a violent episode, which included a chase and shooting, police last night apprehended the only criminal who was a fugitive after the cells of the Sixth Police Station were escaped on August 18.

The incident began around 10 p.m., when a person arrived at his home and observed two people climbing the wall of a hangar in Lebanon at 1200, for which he immediately contacted the emergency phone number 911. and gave notice of what happened.

Under these circumstances, the individuals realized that they had been discovered, so they went down and fired at least three shots at the complainant, who luckily hit the wall of a property.

Moments later, troops from the Patrol Command arrived at the scene, who began to pursue the subjects.

Official sources said one of them started shooting at the police and an exchange of gunfire took place, resulting in an injury to his left leg, for which he was apprehended and taken to the municipal hospital to be treated for his injuries.

In possession of the subject, identified Alejandro Altamiranda Roy (35), they seized a 9-millimeter Bersa pistol with 16 ammunition, which had been the subject of a request for abduction and had been stolen from a member of the police. local.

They also found a frequent police prop, gloves and two cell phones.

With the arrival of other support mobiles (from the local police and from the Quinta section), they continued to search for the other man, who was eventually caught on the roof of a house in Pasaje Larrea in 1600.

This is Carlos Álvarez, who in mid-August was arrested for entering a house in Maldonado at the age of 300 and who, a few days later, escaped with four other men from cells in the sixth section. from Villa Rosas.

On this occasion, they succeeded in filing down the bars of a fence and reaching the courtyard of the outbuilding. Álvarez was the only fugitive to remain at large, as the rest of the prisoners had been recaptured under different procedures.

Spokespersons said that at the time of the arrest they found in their possession a Glock 9mm pistol with 16 ammunition, an accessory, hand tools and two cell phones.

As a result of the events, prosecutions were initiated at the Northwestern District Agency for the crimes of weapon abuse, attempted theft, violation of Article 189 bis and cover-up.


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