Today’s Ephemeris: What Happened on December 27 | …


In December 27 ephemeris These events that happened a day like today in Argentina and around the world stand out:

1901. In Berlin, one of the myths of cinema was born: Marlene Dietrich. Actress and singer, she began her career after the First World War. The blue angel This made him famous in 1930. He made several films with the director of this success. Josef von Sternberg, and left Germany for his opposition to Hitler. He continued his career in Hollywood. Filmed Panic on the scene, with Alfred Hitchcock, y Prosecution witness, under the command of Billy Wilder. He died in Paris in 1992.

1943. Joan Manuel Serrat was born in Barcelona. One of the most prolific and respected Spanish-speaking singer-songwriters (he also does it in Catalan, which was a tall order in the later years of the Franco regime), his career began at the end from the 1960s. He set poets such as Antonio Machado, Miguel Hernández and Mario Benedetti to music. Their records Mediterranean and in transit, among others, have been part of popular culture for several generations. He regularly visits Argentina and has toured with other artists.

1948. One of the great faces of French cinema is born: Gérard Depardieu. Twentieth century, by Bernardo Bertolucci, made him famous. He starred in two of François Truffaut’s last feature films: The last meter and The woman next door. He was nominated for an Oscar for Cyrano de Bergerac. He also filmed, with Claude Berri, Jean de Florette and Germinal.

1979. The invasion of Afghanistan by the Soviet Union begins. Everything is triggered by Hafizullah Amin’s internal coup against Nur Muhammad Taraki, the first Marxist president of Afghanistan. None of them can control the insurgency of fundamentalist Muslims and Moscow decides to intervene by force. Amin is assassinated and replaced by Babrak Karmal, who is facing civil war against the Taliban with the support of the Kremlin. The troops were stranded throughout the 1980s in what would become “Soviet Vietnam”. The United States imposed economic sanctions and did not attend the Olympic Games in Moscow in 1980.

2001. On the ground of Vélez, Racing ties with the local 1 to 1 and obtains the point which allows it to be champion for the first time since 1966. In the middle of the great crisis of the collapse of the convertibility, the team Avellanada, led by Reinaldo Merlo, cuts a 35-year drought with no local titles.

2007. In the Pakistani city of Rawalpindi, former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto is assassinated. An attacker shoots him, then commits suicide with a bomb which also kills 22 others and causes numerous injuries. The former prime minister was 53 and ruled the country between 1988 and 1990, after the dictatorship of General Zia ul-Hak, who overthrew and executed his father, Zulfikar Alí Bhutto. She returned to lead the country between 1993 and 1996. At the time of her assassination, she was campaigning for the January 2008 elections.


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