Coronavirus: the new British variant is spreading …


The new variant of coronavirus detected in the United Kingdom continues to expand in various countries around the world. This Sunday, cases were recorded in Norway, Portugal and Jordan, adding to the list of nations that have confirmed the presence of the British mutation: Italy, Sweden, Spain, Japan, Canada, France, Germany, Lebanon and Denmark, among others. .

The new mutation was first detected in the south of England a few days before the Christmas festivities. To contain its expansion, several countries, including Argentina, have taken the decision to suspend flights from this country.

This variant, depending on the progress of British groups focusing on their analysis, has been circulating in the UK since September and could become up to 70% more contagious than the original strain that emerged in Wuhan, China, between two goals. . last year and early this year.


This Sunday Norway has detected its first cases of the new UK variant in two travelers from the UK.

To date, the country which this week banned UK planes from landing in its territory has recorded a total of 46,678 infections and 421 deaths from coronavirus.


In Portugal Several cases of the new variant of covid-19 have been detected in travelers arriving in the Madeira archipelago from the United Kingdom. According to a statement from the Madeira Regional Health Secretariat, which does not specify the number of people infected, identification was possible thanks to the follow-up that was carried out at Madeira International Airport.

Since the start of the pandemic, Portugal has accumulated a total of 394,573 infections and 6,619 deaths. Despite the fact that the country is registering a decrease in daily cases, it is in a state of emergency – maximum alert level -, so until January 7 there is a curfew that starts at 1:00 p.m. on public holidays. and at 11 p.m. the rest of the day.

Portugal, like the rest of the countries of the European Union, this Sunday began the vaccination process in the university hospitals of Lisbon, Porto and Coimbra. According to the vaccination plan designed by the Portuguese government, until April, they plan to vaccinate 950,000 people.


Jordan has detected two cases of people infected with the new variant. As announced this Sunday by the Minister of Health, Hathir Obedidat, the two infected citizens “This is about a man and his wife who arrived from the UK on December 19th.”

The couple, who could be identified through analysis of lists of people arriving in the country from the UK, have been forced to maintain a home quarantine and are barred from contacting other people.

Jordan, which has a population of around 10 million, has more than 286,000 cases of covid-19 and more than 3,700 deaths from this cause since the start of the pandemic. In recent weeks, the number of recorded cases has plummeted after peaking at 8,000 daily cases in November to 1,050 last Saturday, when there were 18 deaths from the coronavirus.


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