Spain will keep a register with the names of those who do not get vaccinated


They will record the names of those who refuse to be vaccinated.  (Photo: AFP / Oli Scarff).

They will record the names of those who refuse to be vaccinated. (Photo: AFP / Oli Scarff).

Spain’s Health Minister Salvador Illa has announced that the names of those who decide not to be vaccinated against COVID-19 will be collected in a register shared with the European Union.

The list of names of people who do not get vaccinated will be completely confidential. “Refusals of vaccination will be recorded in a register, but it will not be a public document, the data collected will always be respected ”, assured the Minister.

Illa resorted to individual responsibility everyone when it comes time to be vaccinated to collaborate with society: “The more vaccinated, the better. I call for the solidarity of citizens to avoid infecting others, ”he added.

The objective of this compilation – according to the vaccination plan – is “to record cases of rejection of vaccination in the vaccination register, in order to know the possible reasons for the reluctance in different population groups ”.

“It seems to me that at this point we all see that the way to beat the virus is to vaccinate us all or more is better,” he concluded.

While there is no penalty for not getting the vaccine, there is various activities that could exclude those who refuse. For example, there are companies that are already considering the possibility of waiving – or not hiring – workers who have not been vaccinated.

An unprecedented vaccination campaign

With the first vaccinations of health workers and the elderly and having obtained some 2,000 million doses for its population, the European Union is achieving what can be done. the most ambitious vaccination campaign in its history.

Inoculation began with doses of the Pfizer / BioNTech formula, the first approved by the European regulator. The first days of the campaign are largely symbolic, as the massive arrival of the vaccine in the 27 countries of the community bloc will probably take months.

The situation in Argentina

Argentina’s COVID-19 vaccine will not be mandatory. However, as the doses gradually arrive, the first to receive them are those at risk and health workers. According to the government, the universe to be applied is 12 million people.

“We have a legal framework, which is the law on vaccines, which says that vaccination is free because it is a sign of fairness and because the national state provides vaccines to the population, regardless of their ability to pay. It is a social good that goes beyond individual benefits. If I decide not to get vaccinated, not only can I get sick but also spread disease, ”said Health Access Secretary Carla Vizzotti.

Experts assure that what to do is that the so-called herd immunity threshold. If this is not achieved, however successful a vaccine may be, the virus will continue to circulate freely, as it has so far.


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