Pope’s Angelus: “God wants to communicate with us, let’s tell him everything”


When reciting the Angelus, the Pope reflected on the words of Saint John the Evangelist on the incarnation of God … “The word was made flesh and dwelled among us”. The Pontiff explained that by this gesture, God wishes to communicate with humanity, to establish a great intimacy with us: “He wants us to share with Him the joys and the pains, the desires and the fears, the hopes and the pains, people and situations, let’s do it, open our hearts to him, tell him everything, “Francisco urged.

Vatican City

On January 3 of the New Year 2021 and the second Sunday after Christmas, Pope Francis prayed the Marian Angelus prayer from the library of the Vatican Apostolic Palace, without the presence of the faithful due to the pandemic.

The Holy Father reflected on the Gospel of the day according to Saint John (1,1-18), which does not tell an episode from the life of Jesus, but rather speaks to us about him before his birth:

From the start, God wants to communicate with us

“This brings us back to reveal something about Jesus before he comes among us,” said the Pope, recalling that today’s Gospel says that the one we beheld in his Nativity, Jesus, existed before. : Before things started, before the universe. He is before space and time. “In Him was life” (Jn 1, 4) before the appearance of life “.

In this regard, the Pontiff underlined that Saint John calls him Word, that is to say Word. But … what does he want to tell us?

“The Word is used to communicate: you do not speak alone, you speak with someone. Thus, the fact that Jesus was the Word from the beginning means that from the beginning God wants to communicate with us, he wants to speak to us”, a declared the Pope stressing that the Only Begotten of the Father “wants to tell us the beauty of being children of God”; It is “the true light” and wants to keep us from the darkness of evil; it is “the life which knows our lives and wants to tell us that it loves them forever”.

“The Word was made flesh and lived among us”

Likewise, Francis underlined that this is the wonderful message of today: “Jesus is the eternal Word of God, who has always thought of us and wants to communicate with us” and to do this “he went to- beyond the words “since” he became flesh and dwelled among us “(v. 14).

The expression “was made flesh” refers to the fact that “God has become fragility in order to touch our weaknesses closely” – the Pope continued to explain – therefore, from the moment the Lord became flesh, nothing in our life is foreign to him: “It was a daring decision that of God, that of becoming flesh”, maintained Francis, deepening the desire of our Creator to unite eternally with humanity:

“There is nothing he despises; We can share everything with Him because God became flesh to tell you that He loves you precisely there, in your weaknesses; precisely where you are most ashamed. He turned into meat and did not turn around. He did not take our humanity as a robe, which is put on and taken off. No, he was never separated from our flesh. And he will never be separated from her: now and forever, he is in heaven with his body of human flesh. He joined our humanity forever “

“Open your heart to God: let’s tell him everything”

Likewise, Saint John says in the Gospel that Jesus came to live among us: “He did not come to visit, he came to live with us, to be with us”, declared the Bishop of Rome, emphasizing what the Son of God wants is great privacy from us: “He wants us to share with Him joys and sorrows, desires and fears, hopes and sorrows, people and situations.”

“Let us do it, let us open our hearts to him, let us tell him everything”, concluded Francis, sharing a particular intention of prayer:

“Let us stop in silence in front of the manger to savor the tenderness of God who drew near, who became flesh. And without fear, let us invite him to our home, to our family, to our weaknesses. It will come and life will change. May the Blessed Mother of God, in whom the Word was made flesh, help us to welcome Jesus, who knocks at the door of the heart to live with us “


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