Angelus, Epiphany of the Lord: “Like the Magi, may the light of Christ guide us”


When reciting the Angelus on the solemnity of the Lord’s Epiphany, Pope Francis recalled that we too, like the Magi from the East who came to Bethlehem to adore the Son of God, “are called to always be fascinated, attracted, guide, enlighten and convert for Christ “. “It is the path of faith, through prayer and contemplation of the works of God, which continually fills us with ever new joy and wonder”, explained the Pope.

Sofia Lobos – Vatican City

Wednesday January 6, solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord, that is to say “manifestation of the Son of God to all nations”; Pope Francis made the Angelus Marian prayer from the Vatican Apostolic Palace Library without the presence of the faithful due to the pandemic.

In his address, the Holy Father underlined that the salvation accomplished by Christ knows no bounds: “The Epiphany is not just another mystery, it is always the same event of the Nativity, but seen in its dimension of light: the light which illuminates each man, light which must be welcomed in faith and light which must be brought to others in charity, in witness, in proclaiming the Gospel. “

In this context, the Pontiff underlined that the vision of Isaiah, which presents the liturgy of today (cf. 60,1-6), resonates in our time more current than ever: “Darkness covers the earth and thickens the peoples” (v. 2).

Jesus is the light of all people

At this horizon – says the Pope – the prophet announces the light: the light given by God to Jerusalem and intended to light the way of all peoples: “This light has the power to attract everyone, from near and far, everyone sets out to reach it (cf. v. 3). It is a vision that opens the heart, inspires the breath, invites hope ”.

The evangelist Matthew, for his part, recounting the episode of the Magi (cf. 2, 1-12), “shows that this light is the Child of Bethlehem, it is Jesus, although not everyone accepts his kingship”, underlined the Holy Father: “He is the star that appeared on the horizon, the awaited Messiah, the One through whom God realizes his kingdom of love, justice and peace. He was born not only for some, but for all men, for all peoples. “

A light that shines with the proclamation of the Gospel

In this regard, Francisco asked two questions: “How does this” irradiation “take place? How does the light of Christ spread everywhere and at all times?

Without doubt, not by the powerful means of the empires of this world, which always seek to dominate it – assured the Holy Father – but by the proclamation of the Gospel and with the same “method” chosen by God to come among we: “the incarnation, that is to say to become a neighbor of the other, to find him, to assume his reality”.

Witnesses of infinite goodness

“It is only in this way that the light of God, who is Love, can shine on those who welcome it and attract others”, maintained the Pope, stressing that the star is Christ, “but we too can and must be the star, for our brothers and sisters, as witnesses of the treasures of infinite goodness and mercy which the Redeemer offers freely to all”.

Therefore, Francis underlined that the condition is “to welcome this light in oneself, to accept it more and more”.

Let Christ Convert Us

“We too, like the Magi, are called to always allow ourselves to be fascinated, attracted, guided, enlightened and converted by Christ: it is the path of faith, through prayer and contemplation of the works of God, that continually fills. of joy and wonder always new ”, he added.

The Pope concluded by inviting the faithful to ask for Mary’s protection over the universal Church, “so that she may spread the Gospel of Christ, Lumen gentium, light of all peoples in the world”.


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