Who is Jake Angelini, the Trump supporter to go …


It was one of the images of the day. Inside the Capitol, as Congressional security guards and local police attempted to prevent the entry of supporters of Donald Trump, a dressed man with a fur hat and a horn he led the front row of the “insurgency” – as incumbent President Joe Biden called it – fanatics of the far-right mogul. This is Jake Angelini, better known by his self-imposed nickname (Q-Shaman), which denotes another of his main characteristics: he is a promoter of the conspiracy theory called QAnon. The shaman attache is precisely because of his frequent public appearances with fur, horns and feathers reminiscent of Sioux warriors.

Angelini is a landline number in the riots promoted by Donald Trump. For example, in November of last year, was in attendance at an event hosted by the president’s attorney and former New York City mayor Rudy Giulani, who orchestrated a press conference to reject Biden’s victory.

But he has also appeared in the anti-quarantine protests that have taken place in the state of Arizona – where he is from – where he has deployed an endless amount of fake news. “My goal is take back our nation from the communists and globalists who infiltrated our government of the highest levels to destroy it from within and create a new world order “, denounced, at the time, a journalist from the EFE agency. Before following the President of the United States in the sun and in the shade, Angelini had tried to be successful as an actor and as a broadcaster, both unsuccessfully.


As this newspaper stated, the QAnon theory is about a virtual cult that communicates through encrypted messages whose hidden meaning is deciphered by millions of people across the world. Large in the United States (with ramifications in other countries, for example in France) in this theory conspiranoia President Asset occupies a central role: according to his supporters, the magnate is waging a secret war to heal Hollywood rot, pedophilia and corruption and bring America back to greatness.

Angeli has become a famous person in the networks to promote these ideas. This character said that He discovered many conspiracies through his own research on the Internet. This text study includes connections between Satanism, pedophilia, power, and the “deep state” – stable officials in sensitive areas such as homeland security and intelligence. “At some point, it all fell into place one way or another. And I was like: Oh my God. Now I see the reality of what is happening, ”he told Republic of Arizona, one of the first media to interview him.


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