She was in a coma and woke up a day before being disconnected – News


Lisa Martin entered the emergency room at Memorial Satilla Hospital on September 27, 2020, diagnosed with coronavirus.

Her condition was complicated and she was put on a ventilator. She was then induced into a coma after suffering a frontal lobe cerebral infarction.

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But in an act that was defined by the doctors themselves as a miracle, Lisa woke up a day before the medical board decided, with the approval of her family, to disconnect her.

On the day the disconnection was supposed to take place, her husband Jeff noticed Lisa’s eyes widening and started staring at him.

The patient, remarkably recovered, was released on December 31. Hospital workers recorded his departure in a video that went viral.

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The hospital reported Lisa spent 59 days on a ventilator and 40 days in a coma.

You will have to use oxygen around the clock and walk with a walker or wheelchair for long distances, but doctors believe that soon, with rehabilitation, you will make a full recovery.


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