Donald Trump includes Cuba in list of “sponsor of terrorism” countries and hinders Joe Biden in future relations with Havana


Barely nine days after the handover of power, Donald Trump left his successor, Joe Biden, an unexpected stumbling block that will hamper his plans to promote a policy of rapprochement with Cuba, just as Barack did. Obama. The Republican put Cuba back on a list that also includes Syria, Iran and North Korea. His predecessor removed the island from this payroll in 2015.

“With this measure, we will again hold the Cuban government accountable and send a clear message: the regime of (Raúl) Castro must end its support for international terrorism and the subversion of American justice,” the secretary said. of State, Mike Pompeo, in a statement, quoted by Dpa.

From Havana, Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez called the measure announced by the United States “cynical”.

“We condemn the hypocritical and cynical characterization of Cuba as a sponsoring state of terrorism, announced by the United States; the political expediency of this action is recognized by anyone who has a sincere concern about the scourge of terrorism and its victims ”, declared the Cuban Minister of Foreign Affairs on his Twitter account.

And he said: “The political expediency of this action is recognized by anyone who is honestly concerned about the scourge of terrorism and its victims.”

Trump applies more siege to Cuba

Trump vs. Cuba

Since his inauguration, Trump has renounced the policy of rapprochement with Havana built by his predecessor, Barack Obama, who came to make a historic visit to the Caribbean country in 2016 after the restoration of diplomatic relations between the two countries. However, the embargo – what Cuba calls a blockade – has been in effect since the 1960s, since US congressional approval is needed to render it ineffective.

Trump has reduced the US embassy in Havana to its bare minimum, imposed new sanctions on the Cuban government, and even extended existing sanctions. And in 2019, it added the island to its list of states that do not cooperate with the United States on terrorism, a prelude to the decision announced on Monday.

In recent days, the Cuban press has reported that some 8,000 Cubans have asked the future Biden government to reopen the consular services of the United States Embassy in Havana.

“Many separated families have taken on another hurdle in having to travel to a third country to complete their visa procedures. We cannot be victims of political differences between governments, ”they asked in the petition posted on the White House platform.


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