The immunity of those who had coronavirus will last …


A study conducted by an agency Public health England (PHE) from the UK concluded that the majority of people who successfully overcome the coronavirus have on average 83% immunity against disease for at least five months, But can become infected again and transmit the virus to others.

To conduct the study, the researchers convened 21 thousand health workers British hospitals to which divided into two groups: those who had had coronavirus and those who had not. Between June and November 2020, members of both groups underwent bi-weekly PCR tests and a monthly test to analyze their antibody level.

According to the results, of the 6,614 health workers who had antibodies, only 44 developed a “potential” infection. The study concluded that the infection offers 94% protection against symptomatic reinfection and 75% immunity against asymptomatic reinfection.

Experts emphasize that the cases of reinfection detected in the investigation, led by Susan Hopkins, are considered “potential” pending a genetic analysis that certifies the information.

Researchers from PHE – an entity that reports to the UK Department of Health – said that study results cannot yet be extrapolated to other age groups since the study participants were between 35 and 54 years old and therefore likely had a more robust immune system than, say, older adults.

The investigation will be extended for another 12 months to clarify the duration of the immunity, analyze the impact of the novel coronavirus variant detected in the UK and monitor the protection of participants who have already received the vaccine.

In the United Kingdom, one of the countries most affected by the pandemic, vaccination began in early December 2020 with the vaccine developed by the American laboratory Pfizer and they have already started using the drug jointly developed by AstraZeneca and the University. from Oxford


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