Coronavirus: the world has passed 2 million deaths …


The world topped 2 million deaths from the Covid-19 pandemic just over a year after the first case of the SARS-CoV-2 variant was detected in China, while the death toll doubled in a little less than 4 months, since on September 28, a million deaths had been reached.

“Our planet has passed a heartbreaking stage”, lamented the Secretary General of the United Nations (UN), Antonio Guterres, and marked the asymmetry in the production and distribution of vaccines.

According to the case map compiled by Johns Hopkins University, the countries with the highest mortality figures are the United States (390,800), Brazil (207,095), India (151,918), Mexico (136,916) and the United Kingdom (87,448). The tragic death toll is reached in the days when new infection records are recorded in the Americas

“Unfortunately, the deadly impact of the pandemic has been compounded by the absence of a coordinated global effort. In memory of these two million people, the world must act with much more solidarity,” Guterres said, recalling the shortage. chinstrap and protective utensils and the dramatic concentration on the distribution of vaccines, which the authorities refuse to produce for free.

“The world’s major economies have a special responsibility. However, we are now seeing vaccines reaching high-income countries fast, while the world’s poorest do not,” said the head of the UN.

Globally, cases have already surpassed 93.4 million, due to an epidemic in several European countries, the resurgence of contagion areas in Asia and a curve that maintains a high trend in the Americas. This situation has been made worse by the circulation of two new variants, detected in the UK and South Africa, which have a capacity to spread between 40 and 70% faster than the original.


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