Bolsonaro said India postponed plane trip to search for vaccines – telam


Brazil has requested registration of the vaccine for emergency use with the National Agency for Health Surveillance.

Brazil has requested registration of the vaccine for emergency use with the National Agency for Health Surveillance.


Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro has announced that the plane due to leave for India on Friday in search of 2 million vaccines will postpone the flight for two or three days due to the fact that the Indian government wants to give the priority to the vaccination of its population, which begins in the coming hours.

“As the vaccination now begins there, it has been resolved, without our decision, to delay two or three days. In a maximum of three days, our plane will leave to bring the 2 million vaccines to Brazil.” , Bolsonaro told Bandeirantes TV.

In this way, the Brazilian strategy of having the Astrazeneca-Oxford University vaccinated this weekend to start mass vaccination in Brazil on the 20th or 21st has failed.

The Brazilian foreign minister was holding last-minute negotiations with Indian Prime Minister Narenda Modi on Friday to allow a Brazilian plane to search for 2 million AstraZeneca-Oxford vaccines manufactured by an Indian laboratory in Mumbai, government sources reported.

The plane of the private Azul line (Brazil does not have state airlines) serving the Brazilian government was due to fly to Mumbai on Thursday but was stranded in Recife, Pernambuco, awaiting new directions .

Brasi has reached a deal with AstraZeneca and filed for registration of the vaccine for emergency use last Friday with the National Health Surveillance Agency.

The plane was scheduled to take off on Thursday, but take-off has been postponed until Friday and now until further notice.

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In New Delhi, The Times of India reported that Indian Foreign Ministry spokesman Anurag Srivastava said it was “too early” for India to export vaccines when it began its operation. vaccination this Saturday.

Bolsonaro on Monday asked Modi for an urgent resolution to be able to collect the doses produced in Mumbai by the Serum Institute.

Brazil has these vaccines negotiated by the federal laboratory Fiocruz to be able to begin vaccination next week, pending Anvisa approval on Sunday.

Without these 2 million doses, Brazil will have the 6 million vaccines that are in a hangar at Guarulhos airport and that were imported by the State of São Paulo from CoronaVac, the vaccine from the Chinese laboratory Sinovac developed locally. by the Butantan Institute.


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