A Peruvian court indicted Bill Gates, Soros and Roc …


A Peruvian court has said in a decision based on conspiracy theories that the coronavirus it was a creation of the “criminal elites of the whole world” composed, according to the judges of this court, by billionaires such as George soros, family Rockefeller and the businessman Bill Gates.

Magistrates Tito Gallegos, Luis Leguía and Tony Changaray, belonging to the Criminal Appeals Chamber of Chincha and Pisco, tried to explain the reasons why they had delayed hearing the appeal of a defendant who had requested that his pre-trial detention (), but whose request had not been resolved due to the pandemic.

To justify the delay in the delivery of the judgment, this collegial tribunal of the Superior Court of Justice of Ica assured that the pandemic was “unpredictable” except for its creators, “who managed it and continue to run it with extreme secrecy in their environments and global businesses.”

“No world government, physical person or entity, nor the defense of the defendant can argue that this pandemic has the quality of” foreseeable “, with the exception of the creators of the new world order such as Bill Gates, Soros, Rockefeller, etc. ” published on the LP Law portal.

An ancient conspiracy theory

The document of the Superior Criminal Court of Appeal of Chincha and Pisco said the coronavirus was “created by the criminal elites who dominate the world” then he quoted financial investor George Soros, Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates and billionaire Rockefeller family, whom he accused of “managing” and “continuing to lead” the virus in the “new world order” .

In this way, the judges echoed one of the many conspiracy theories that were revived last year in the wake of the pandemic. These ideas are in turn fueled by fake news, which exploded with the onset of Covid-19 and ended up generating disinformation classified as “infodemic” by the World Health Organization (WHO).

Although the WHO confirmed in May that the new virus was of animal origin and dismissed the idea that it could have been created in the laboratory, supposed alternative origins continued to circulate.

These include speeches on its creation by pharmaceutical companies interested in increasing their economic benefits and even Plots of Bill Gates or Soros as promoters of a supposed plan of population control through vaccines and 5G.

Investigation of judges

In view of the impact of the content of the court’s resolution on public opinion, the Decentralized Office for the Control of the Judiciary (Odecma) of Ica, located some 400 kilometers south of Lima, has opened a preliminary investigation into the magistrates.

The objective of the investigation will be to gather elements making it possible to determine the existence of alleged irregularities committed by the judges.


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