Evo Morales is recovering from the coronavirus | The Express …


Former President of Bolivia Evo Morales is recovering from coronavirus. He is still hospitalized, but that does not prevent him from using his Twitter say that evolves favorably and be grateful for the love and the things his disciples bring him. “I feel very good, under the control of a medical commission at the Los Olivos clinic. I warmly appreciate expressions of solidarity, the plants, the medicines and companions sent from Trinidad, Monteagudo, La Paz, Oruro and Cochabamba. Bolivians have always united in the face of adversity, ”said the first president of the Prurinational State of Bolivia, as defined in his story.

Evo Morales learned he had been infected on January 14. The test that confirmed positive for covid-19 was done the day before he started showing symptoms of the disease.


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