Those arriving in the United States must show a negative test and quarantine


The president of United States, Joe biden, on Thursday signed a decree that requires those who travel in the country to present a coronavirus test with a negative result and to do quarantine after your arrival. It also established the mandatory use of masks in federal jurisdictions and in intra-state transportation.

On his second day as president, the Democrat held a press conference at the White House in which he communicated a series of pandemic resolutions.

“Today I signed a decree which imposes the use of masks and respect for social distancing on federal property, which will be extended to intra-state travel by plane, train and bus, ”the president reported.

And he added, “In light of the new variants of COVID-19 that we are aware of, we will also be implementing a new measure for people traveling to the United States from other countries. Besides wearing masks, those who fly to our nation they must present a test before taking the plane and quarantine once arrived “.

The resolutions announced by Biden are part of the National action plan against COVID-19 this will begin to apply in the United States after the Democrat arrives in the White House.

“We are developing an aggressive, coordinated, fair and professional response control the virus as soon as possible “the president said this afternoon on Twitter.

As reported by the agency AP, the new government’s strategy includes extension of tests of the coronavirus, the acceleration of the distribution of vaccines and the development of preventive actions in view of future biological threats.

As part of its pandemic plan, the Biden administration is committed to being transparent and maintaining an open line of communication with the public and all stakeholders, including state and local authorities. To do this, a “National response structure where decision making is based on science and fairness ”.

In this sense, the Democrat anticipated the creation of “Science-based periodic reports” and prepared by experts, as well as the publication of information on key indicators at territorial level.

Regarding the vaccination campaign, the government has promised increase production and purchase of vaccines, including through the Defense Production Act, which allows the president to direct the manufacture of wartime critical products and ensures the availability of glass vials, syringes and other supplies.

In addition, the White House will award emergency fund to the states most affected by the health crisis for the purchase of protective equipment and necessary medical supplies; seek to reopen as many schools as possible possible within the next 100 days; and it will provide aid to the social sectors most affected and forgotten by the previous administration.


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