They specify that vaccines do not grant 100% immunity – Informative summary


They specify that vaccines do not grant 100% immunity – Informative summary – Cadena 3 Argentina

Fight against the coronavirus

Infectologist Marta Cohen noted, in dialogue with Channel 3, the importance of social responsibility and testing to detect asymptomatic cases.

The vaccine, for example, can confer 80% immunity. This means that 20 out of 100 will not have this immunity
It is necessary to clarify that the vaccine protects you against serious or fatal illness. At no time does science say the vaccine protects you against Covid-19


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Fight against the coronavirus

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The greatest immunity is acquired two weeks after the second dose, but then it starts to wane and this varies in each person.
The world needs 10 billion vaccines to immunize two-thirds of humanity. People will need to receive a dose first; the second, at two weeks and a booster later, but the latter will be well known when phase four is completed, which will determine the duration of immunity


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The Sputnik V vaccine has higher efficacy, but it is true that the World Health Organization (WHO) has not approved it because phase 3 is not yet complete, but maybe they give already preliminary data
It is good that vaccines are offered because we are in an emergency situation and that is the only thing that exists. The decision (to put it on) is individual to each


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There is no vaccine approved by the WHO yet. Pfizer sent for approval, but they haven’t received a response yet

New strain

This virus has increased mortality and morbidity (how sick it is) with age. In other words, in people under 60, mortality is 0.66%, but it increases to over 7% when they are older than that age group. Yes, the new strain is more deadly, unfortunately

Report by Alejandro Bustos.

Coronavirus crisis

The secretary of the controller of Uthgra Córdoba, Juan Carlos Rousselot, declared Channel 3 that on Monday they will hold a meeting with the employees, after the chain announced the closure of the hotel.

The entity issued a statement warning of the consequences of the school closures and called the return of the activity in person “essential”.

The province has 140,061 cases and 2,614 deaths from the disease.

In this way, there are 46,216 deaths and 1,831,681 infected since the start of the pandemic, the Ministry of Health reported on Wednesday.

The journalist of Channel 3, Matías Arrieta, made a survey to find out the values ​​of staying in one of the main attractions of Cordoba. In the note, the details.

This is Lo de Tere, located in the Alberdi district, north of Rosario. It was born on December 19 of the same year and currently has three other branches.

The certified guide, Andrés Suárez, said Channel 3 It is a three-day hike that connects the region of Tafí del Valle to El Siambón, ideal for lovers of adventure and nature.

They maintain the force measures in Río Primero, Sinsacate and Montecristo by demanding rate increases. In Santa Fe, the executive raised all the protests.

Since the start of the pandemic, the province has accumulated 2,622 deaths and 140,643 infections. The occupancy rate of intensive care beds is 19.1%.

The chronicler of Channel 3, Matías Arrieta, visited the gastronomic places of the region to inform about average prices of the most popular dishes.

The criminal starred in a 40-block chase in the center of Rosario. Although he was caught, he was later released. “You are already at home (…) I’ll call you From Movie,” he wrote on the social network.

Controversy in Buenos Aires

The video in which the former official posted Twitter It went viral on social media and generated all kinds of reactions, with users celebrating the situation and others repudiating it. Look.

Rural criminals used a cage truck to abduct the animals. The affected producer demanded more controls with the illegal sale of meat. It happened in San Cristobal.

Norma Ferrer, 68, lives in Godoy Cruz, in the province of Mendoza. At dawn last Thursday he heard his dog “Cona” barking loudly and when he went to look he was greeted with a not very pleasant surprise.

With this high level, the restructuring of the liabilities issued under foreign jurisdiction for $ 1,685 million was confirmed.

Since the start of the pandemic, the province has accumulated 2,622 deaths and 140,643 infections. The occupancy rate of intensive care beds is 19.1%.

In this way, there are 46,757 officially recorded deaths in the country and 1,853,830 people infected since the start of the pandemic, the Ministry of Health said on Friday.

Economy Minister Martín Guzmán said “we need to get the fiscal accounts in order”. He assured that they will meet the needs with other programs.

Elections in the “Pirate”

Belgrano’s presidential candidate had promised the Olave-González duo, but there was no agreement with the other list and current leadership.

New era in Independiente

The coach returned to the club he managed during the 2005-2006 season. He signed his contract with the intention that his second stage would be more successful, because in the previous one he did not collect any titles.

The Croatian played Danielle Rousseau in the hit series. The death took place on January 20 but became known in the last hours after the family communicated it to their acquaintances.

It is about “I do not need”, a synthesis of all the Latin influence on the artist. “It’s the only song I released in 2020,” he said. Chain 3.


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