Madrid tighten restrictions and there are protests: “We want to breathe”


Spain can’t stop second wave of coronavirus and Madrid He decided tighten restrictions advance the curfew and the closure of restaurants and shops. This caused a demonstration in the center of the capital under slogans asking “freedom“,”masks“,”we want to breathe“and even by encouraging non-compliance with measures:”Faced with unfair rules, it’s right to disobey“.

According to Spanish media, the demonstration took place without incident and in a calm atmosphere in Atocha and Colón streets. However, they warned that most attendees had not followed pandemic protection measures since. They did not wear chinstrap and social distance was not respected.

We want to breathe“,”Illa, Illa, Illa, masks“,”freedom“,”they don’t let us work“,”Faced with unfair rules, it’s right to disobey“, O”We are not deniers, we stand up for life“were some of the slogans voiced by the protesters.

Madrid Spain protest against covid restrictions g_20210123
Demonstration in Madrid against the new restrictions to stop the second wave. PHOTO: AFP

Some of the protesters also pointed out that “vaccines are tested with the population<<. The mobilization was called by around thirty organizations and authorized by the government delegation, with a forecast maximum 550 people.

Friday the Madrid region, one of the most affected in Spain by the coronavirus pandemic, brought forward the start of the curfew and of closure of restaurants and shops given the increase in infections, the agency reported AFP.

Due to “rising trend“Among the infections there is’ a new scenario which forces us to change the rules of the game”, said the region’s health official Enrique Ruiz Escudero placeholder image.

Explosion of Covid cases in Spanish city which won “New Year’s Fat”

The incidence of the virus has reached an extremely high level of 875 cases per 100,000 inhabitants in the last 14 days, pointing out that 9% of new cases belong to the new British strain.

This new variant, the incidence of which doubles every week, and the meetings held during Christmas time would explain the explosion of cases, according to Ruiz Escudero.

In an attempt to stop this trend, the region, which so far it was one of the least restrictive in the country, He decided bring the curfew forward one hour until 10 p.m., the maximum currently authorized by the central government.

In addition, from Monday and for at least two weeks, the shops, bars and restaurants must close at 9:00 p.m.. In catering, in addition, a limit of four people per table. The region also prohibits meetings of non-cohabiting people e invited the elderly to confine themselves at home.

Spain records infection record for second day in a row

Many Spanish regions put pressure on the socialist central government Pedro Sanchez so that allow the imposition of a curfew before 10 p.m. and strict confinement of the population

So far the The executive rejects him and exclude strict containment like the tax between March and June, one of the toughest in the world that has left the population traumatized and inflicted serious financial damage.

Spain recorded levels this week infection registration, bringing the world tally to almost 2.5 million infected and more than 55,000 deaths. This causes a influx of patients into hospitals, with occupancy rate not seen since the first wave of the pandemic.



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