The desperate flight of a skier chased by a bear | the Chronicle


A moment of cold lived a skier on the Partia Clabucet slope, in the Romanian city of Predeal, when he was pursued by a savage and fierce eye from which he could miraculously escape.

Another athlete in the area managed to record the moment the animal pounced on the man who was trying to pick up his pace so that he could rush out of the area.

As can be seen in the images that have gone viral via social media, tThe Uristas who were a few yards away started yelling at him not to stop or look back, because it could be catastrophic.

“Faster, faster! Come on, the bear is chasing you! Faster! God forbid, don’t look back!” was heard in the clip.

Eventually, the fearless skier used his instincts and threw the ball at the bear, causing him to stop to check it out and give him precious seconds to escape and save his life.


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