Joe Biden rescinds funding ban …


Joe Biden to revoke a rule on Thursday that prohibits the US state from funding foreign NGOs providing abortion services in the United States, as announced by the White House. This rule, established by the Ronald Reagan administration, has been overturned by every Democratic president and reinstated by every Republican.

The rule that Biden will override by decree, known as the “Mexico City policy,” even prohibits funding NGOs that provide abortion advice, although they finance this part of their activities with other funds.

This Thursday, in addition, the new US president will order the Department of Health “to take immediate action to reflect on the advisability of reversing the regulations “which weigh on family planning centers in the country.

During his tenure, the government of Donald Trump banned organizations offering gynecological services from offering abortions to their patients, under penalty of losing your subsidies. Because of this rule, the Planned Parenthood organization – which operates many clinics that practice termination of pregnancy – had since waived federal funds.

Abortion in the United States

In the USA, abortion has been legal since 1973, from a landmark Supreme Court decision. However, this is a question that greatly divides the American population, faced with still very strong opposition, especially among religious sectors.

Like every year, when the date of Roe v. birthday Wade – the 1973 Supreme Court ruling guaranteeing women the right to abortion, opponents of the termination of pregnancy will participate in a march. The mobilization, scheduled for Friday, will be virtually, unlike last year, in which Donald Trump participated.

Joe Biden is a devout Catholic but supports the right of pregnant women and individuals to choose whether or not to continue with pregnancy. Their announcements are “extremely important first steps in the right direction, but the administration must go further”Said Herminia Palacio, president of the Guttmacher Institute, which defends this right.

The new US president is expected this Thursday to sign another decree that corresponds to the health field, to facilitate access to federal insurance created by Barack Obama for Americans who do not have medical coverage offered by their employer.


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