Meet the new symptoms of the coronavirus on the tongue and hands | the Chronicle


A new breakthrough in Covid-19 research has allowed researchers to discover new symptoms that can identify people infected with the disease, which consist of changes in the tongue, hands and even the soles of the feet.

This is a publication of the British Jounnal of Dermatology, which reported that having ulcers or an increase in the size of the tongue, as well as finding the tongue as “unpappled”, without taste buds on the back of the tongue, is a way to find out that you may have coronavirus.

In ese sentido, el inform también indicó that en algunos pacientes is produced una glositis, which consists of an inflamación en la que además se aprecian las marcas laterales de los dientes, en tanto en otros casos se observan pacientes con sensación de ardor en la language.

On the other hand, the team of dermatologists that carried out the investigation also identified skin changes on the palms of the hands and the palms of the feet, including peeling, reddish and brown spots, as well as a feeling of burn known as erythrodysesthesia. .

Already known symptoms

In this sense, the Spanish Academy of Dermatology and Venereology had pointed out last year that the most typical manifestations of covid on the skin, such as frostbite-like rashes, vesicular rashes and urticarial lesions.

To these symptoms must be added those already known from the first months of the pandemic, including the presence of fever, loss of taste and smell, sore throat and cough, breathing difficulties and, in more severe to severe cases, the possibility of rapid progression to severe pneumonia, which may lead to liver or kidney failure.

In this regard, it is recommended to always wash your hands frequently with soap, alcohol gel or antiseptic gel, to clean and disinfect certain surfaces such as counters, door handles and desks; maintaining social distance and wearing masks, among the most important.


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