He was saved from death eaten by a crocodile thanks to a YouTube tutorial | the Chronicle


Crocodiles are arguably one of the most dangerous specimens on the planet, capable of crushing their victims with their sharp teeth in seconds. And in that sense, very few people have been attacked by one of them and have lived to talk about it.

This is the case with Isaac adidi, a 22-year-old young man who had spent the day last Sunday with his partner and cousin in a stream in Cape York, north Queensland, Australia. Coming out of the water, he was surprised from behind by a four-meter-long crocodile.

“He tried to overwhelm me, then released me for a second and grabbed my hand to overwhelm me again.”, Adidi explained during a dialogue with the Australian newspaper The Courier Mail.

It was at this precise moment that the young man managed to remember the advice he had seen in a YouTube tutorial on how to escape the attack of one of these reptiles, which saved his life. .

“Her face was right in front of me, so with my index finger I tried to get her eyes out”, noted, adding that this was a strategy that “learned” in a video on this social network that said that to save yourself from a crocodile attack, you had to “take out his eyes“, something he tried to put into practice and “luckily it worked.”

Isaac Adidi only ended up with his hand in a cast, without serious injuries

A week ago, another man fell victim to one of these attacks by these reptiles and managed to escape alive at Lake Placid in Cairns, Australia, thanks to the fact that when one of these reptiles grabbed his head with his jaw, he managed to get out by pulling out his teeth.


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