At 117, a French nun defeated Covid-19 – News


French nun Lucile Randon, considered to be the oldest person in Europe and the second oldest in the world, he recovered from the coronavirus just two days after his 117th birthday.

The “Supercentennial”, born in the town of Alés, in the south of the country, on February 11, 1904, tested positive for the coronavirus on January 16.

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For this reason, she was placed in strict quarantine in the room she occupies in the Sainte Catherine Labouré rest home, located in Toulon, also in the south of France.

I didn’t even realize I was infected», Assured the centenary in a local environment.

A spokesperson for the residence told the same newspaper that Sister André was not afraid of the virus, although she expressed concern for the health of other residents..

“She was also wondering if her bedtime or her meal times were going to change because she was infected,” the spokesperson added.

The nun is considered the second oldest living verified person in the world, just behind the Japanese Kane Tanaka, born January 2, 1903.


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