Today’s Ephemeris: What Happened on February 14 | …


In ephemeris of February 14 These events that happened on a day like today in Argentina and around the world stand out.

1898. Raúl Scalabrini Ortiz was born in Corrientes. One of the pillars of historical revisionism, he is the author of British politics in the Río de la Plata e History of Argentine railways, in addition to the test The man who is alone and who waits. He approached Forja and supported Peronism. He died in 1959.

1929. Al Capone sets up an intern with a rival Chicago gang in what’s known as the Valentine’s Day Massacre. On Valentine’s Day, seven members of the so-called “North Side Gang” were turned onto their backs and shot dead in a garage by four men dressed as police officers. The murderers have never been identified and there is talk of complicity on the part of the Chicago police themselves.

1938. Antonio Dal Masetto was born in the Italian town of Intra. He arrived in Argentina at the age of twelve. In 1964, his first book of stories appeared, Seal. Considered one of Argentina’s great storytellers, his novels include Golden seven, Fire at will, It’s always hard to come home, The incomparable land, There are guys down there Yes The last fight. He died in 2015.

1988. Former world boxing champion Carlos Monzón murders his wife Alicia Muñiz in Mar del Plata. The woman is beaten to death in a crime that shocks the country. We still did not speak of femicides, but of “crime of passion”. In July 1989, Monzón was sentenced to eleven years in prison. He died in 1995 in a car accident, while on temporary release from prison.

1989. Ornithologist James Bond dies in his hometown of Philadelphia. He had just turned 89. Your book Birds of the West Indies It was in the library of Ian Fleming, who took the name of its author for a fictional character: a British spy. Fleming admitted that he took Bond’s name for 007 and used it because he wanted it to be as easy as possible.

1989. Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini dictates a fatwa, a legal declaration within Islam, and promises heaven to anyone who kills British writer Salman Rushdie. The reason is the publication of a novel, Satanic verses, in which the author, born in Bombay in 1947, satirizes Muhammad. The fatwa extends to anyone connected with the book, and Orthodox Muslim groups are offering money for Rushdie’s head. The writer is taken into custody. The Japanese translator is murdered and the Norwegian publisher is shot in the back. The Vatican condemns the fatwa, but also considers the book blasphemous. Rushdie lived in hiding for nearly a decade, until 1998, when Iran announced it would not seek his death.

2018. Massacre at a high school in Parkland, Florida. Former student Nikolas Cruz, 19, enters Marjory Stoneman Douglas School with a Smith & Wesson M & P15 semi-automatic rifle and opens fire. 17 people die and 14 others are injured. It is the greatest school gun tragedy in American history. Cruz had anticipated the possibility of shooting posts on social networks and was considered racist by his peers. He is in detention and faces a death sentence.

It is also Valentine’s Day.


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