“No, papurri!”: Canvas Pool Ninja Fight That Goes Viral


A video of two men fighting ninja style went viral via social media. In the pictures, two people are seen fighting and making pirouettes in a pool Canvas.

The original video was uploaded by the user @papurrixluisito at TikTok, where it has already been viewed by over 3 million people.

In the recording, a boy is heard recounting the fight. “What is my father doing? He’s fighting Leo, ”you hear him start to say.

Meanwhile, the protagonist, “Papurri”, and a young man in the pool are seen. As if it was a fight of Titans in the ring “Papurri” hits his opponent in the head and comes out of the water. On the way inside the house, he puts his hands on two bricks and does a vertical somersault.

Then unexpectedly jump from inside the house through the window and falls into the pool, hitting the young man, who falls from the pool.

“He did the Fatality. Impressive! Papurri he hit him, ”the boy said at last.

The video not only drew attention to the agility and movements of “Papurri”, but also to the story path of his son.

This is not the only video of this style that they publish. From the Instagram account, they often upload recordings of “Papurri” workouts and daring moves that show off their talent.


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