New threat from Nicolás Maduro against Colombia: he ordered to “clean the cannons and guns”


FILE PHOTO: Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro at a press conference in Caracas, Venezuela, December 8, 2020. REUTERS / Manaure Quintero
FILE PHOTO: Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro at a press conference in Caracas, Venezuela, December 8, 2020. REUTERS / Manaure Quintero

This Wednesday, February 17, Nicolás Maduro again attacked President Iván Duque for the temporary protection status of Venezuelan migrants that the Colombian government announced, and rejected that the head of state insisted on point out that the dissidents of the Farc and the ELN have camps on Venezuelan territory. “They have 22 years to accuse the Bolivarian revolution of the same thing”, He said.

“I told the Bolivarian National Armed Forces to respond forcefully to Iván Duque’s rash statements about Venezuela, to respond by word of mouth and to clean the barrels of our rifles to respond to them on the plane that we must respond if Iván Duque dares to violate the sovereignty of Venezuela, if he dares to touch a millimeter of Venezuelan territory, ”threatened Maduro.

In addition, the head of the regime accused Colombia of having abandoned the border with Venezuela. “You are leaving the Colombian side and there are no authorities, there are no soldiers, there are no police, there is nothing, abandonment. They handed over the border for a long time to paramilitary mafias, smugglers, drug traffickers and there are also the remnants of the Colombian guerrillas “.

If Iván Duque dares to touch a millimeter of Venezuelan territory, don’t go crazy Iván Duque! Know your limits and respect Venezuela.

Here’s what Maduro said:

For its part, the Colombian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has responded to this threat: the Colombian Ministry of Foreign Affairs rejects the absurd declarations of dictator Nicolás Maduro against the measures to protect migrants defined by President Iván Duque ”.

“On the basis of his speech, the illegitimate and criminal regime of Nicolás Maduro reaffirms its indifferent and cruel attitude towards the grave humanitarian, economic, political and social reality from which the Venezuelan population suffers”said the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


Colombian guerrillas in Venezuela

Many years ago the territory of the state of Apure was divided by irregular groupsAre you called FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia), ELN (National Liberation Army) or FBL / FPLN (Bolivarian Liberation Forces / Patriotic Forces for National Liberation); Before, they operated clandestinely, they are now public, visible throughout the state.

From El Nula, capital of the parish of San Camilo, municipality of Páez, the greatest presence is from the ELN, or on the island the meadow of Amparo, and from there with the navigation on the Arauca river to Puerto Infante and Capanaparo and the Cinaruco river; The problem was born in this unguarded border axis, the FARC took refuge, which assumed our territory as a spillway area.

ELN has control of El Nula
ELN has control of El Nula

None of the seven municipalities in Apure State are immune to the presence and control of guerrilla groups, with the predominance of the FARC, with the exception of the municipality of Páez, controlled almost entirely by the ELN.

The municipality of Muñoz, in the territories of the State herds, Agroflora, in the Araguayuna sector, in the palisade, on the lands of the El Frio and Cedral herds, there is a FARC presence. In the region of Río Caribe in Elorza, they have camps and enforce order and security throughout the municipality. When an inhabitant has an ox stolen, he does not go to the GNB (Bolivarian National Guard), he chooses to go and complain to the FARC commander, because the guerrillas apply their own law, beyond the Venezuelan legal system.

Guerrilla leaders display vans, escorted by motorcycles and gunmen. “It’s like in Pablo Escobar’s films, Commander Quijada or Mandíbula carries a notebook and takes note of the complaints of the population. People look at the guerrillas with admiration, the children dream of being guerrillas, and they build these types of heroes in their images, ”reveals a source from the region.

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