Rush Limbaugh, the announcer who popularized the t …


American advertiser Rush limbaugh He died this Wednesday, at the age of 70. He will be remembered as a benchmark for conservatism and for his unconditional admiration for the former president. Donald trump. Also for popularizing the term “feminazi“.

His wife, Kathryn Limbaugh, announced that the presenter, one of the most influential figures among Republicans, died of lung cancer, diagnosed in February 2020 at an advanced stage, after having smoked for decades and being a strong advocate for smoking.

Limbaugh was responsible for the radio show “The Rush Limbaugh Show“for 32 years. In turn, he was a television commentator and sports journalist.

Their macho expressions

Since the late 1980s, the announcer has been a voice that has inspired a generation of conservative politicians and journalists. In the early 1990s he began to use the term “feminazi“, With which he crossed out what he called” a specific type of feminist “and” the most loathsome “.

In his book “The Way Things Ought to Be” (“How Things Should Be”, 1992), Limbaugh writes: “Tom Hazlett, a good friend who is an esteemed and highly respected professor of economics at the University of California at Davis, coined the term to describe any woman who does not tolerate any point of view that challenges militant feminism“.

“I often use it to describe women who are obsessed with perpetuating a modern holocaust: abortion. There are 1.5 million abortions a year and some feminists seem to almost celebrate that number. Not a lot, but they deserve to be called “feminazis”. added.

In 2012, Limbaugh called a student a “prostitute.” Georgetown University, Sandra fulke, for his statements on the distribution of contraceptives, in a controversy involving the then president, Barack obama.

The trigger was Fulke’s testimony before a congressional committee after Obama promoted a new health care law, which in its first version forced Catholic institutions to offer contraceptive methods to their employees.

Fulke argued that companies that offer health insurance to their workers, including the Catholic Church, should include coverage for contraceptives.

“If we have to pay for this, then we want something in return, Miss Fluke,” Limbaugh called out to her on her radio show. “And it could be their sex tape so we can see what we get with our money.”

Such was the scandal that Obama called on the student to offer his support, although he had to amend the bill so that Catholic institutions could invoke “religious objections” for not assuming this cover.

Relationship with his friend Donald Trump

In 2020, after learning of his illness, President Donald Trump granted him the Presidential Medal of Freedom as part of the report on State of the Union.

At the time, the President described him as the “best fighter you will ever meet” and pointed to his “decades of tireless dedication” to the country.

This Wednesday, the now ex-president participated in Fox News to praise the figure of his “friend”.

Criticism of Judge Sotomayor

Limbaugh also joined Republican politician Newt Gingrich in criticizing then-Supreme Court candidate Justice in 2009. Sonia sotomayor, which she described as “racist,” after claiming in 2001 that a “wise Latina woman” would be able to make better decisions than a white judge.

“I’m not going to retract. They might ask me to tone it down, but no one said I was wrong or that I made it up,” the announcer said, after Gingrich retracted. .


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