Coronavirus: in the province, vaccination of over 70s has been delayed, and they promise it will be today


Vaccination for Covid-19 of more than 70 in the province of Buenos Aires will finally take the start this Thursday, instead of today as had been announced by the local health ministry. In the afternoon, the points set up in the communes were still being organized and the doses were distributed. For the day, 8,153 elderly people were assigned to posts.

“We vaccinated the elderly in nursing homes, health workers, teachers and assistants over 60 for two weeks. But tomorrow [por hoy] we have already started with the over 70s. TFrom 6 am, the distribution of doses to all vaccination sites will be completed ”, said Leticia Ceriani, Undersecretary for Information Management at the Buenos Aires Ministry of Health.

The official said that of the 135,000 doses of the first component of the Sputnik received by the province this week, they distributed 134,500. These units will be joined these days by 235,000 more of the Covishield vaccine, from AstraZeneca, from the shipment which arrived yesterday at dawn.

For these vaccines, 95,068 teams were delivered until the 26th of this month: 48,412 to over 60s, with priority over 70s; 6,828 to teachers and 39,828 to health workers.

And, until Sunday, 119,000 more positions will be affected, according to Provincial Health. The majority (80% or 95,200) will be for teachers and the remainder (20% or 23,800) for non-institutionalized seniors who have registered on the site.

Ceriani said that in the case of the elderly, the allocation of the day, time and place of vaccination assigned online is reinforced over the phone and that volunteers will guide them through the circuit. After the application, they will have to wait 30 minutes of observation and they will be informed of the care to follow. Plus, they’ll have shaded areas and water for hydration.

“Among the priority groups, the elderly are those who need help and support the most. in this campaign. When selecting which vaccination points are assigned to them, distance is taken into account, whether it is on the ground floor and whether there are ramps to facilitate access, ”Ceriani said.

In EnsenadaIn the middle of the afternoon, the staff of the Municipality’s Health Secretariat installed a gazebo, chairs, nursing space and supplies that the vaccinators will use at the Santiago de Liniers No.2 College, in Punta Lara. There, until the 28th of this month, the first dose will be applied to the elderly, teachers and health workers who have not yet received it.

As in the rest of the province, the last weekend of this month, school vaccination posts will be moved to start classes on March 1.

At 7:30 am, the first 600 doses will arrive at the school for this new stage of the campaign. An hour and a half later, they will receive the first person of the 150 to have received their turn. You already know that this amount will be renewed in the next four days.

“The vaccines are coming tomorrow [por hoy] at the first hour”, said Mariana Estévez, secretary of health of the municipality. “Target populations are added to a list with teams assigned for the next four days, and so on. What we see in the list is that there are still health workers who for some reason have not been vaccinated; there is a lot of absenteeism, probably due to moonlighting and because the change cannot be chosen. Now the teachers and the over 60s group are starting to join in, which at first will be most important. From hospitals, we can assign teams, but we don’t have vaccines. “

The municipality also has vaccinated at the Horacio Cestino hospital and at El Dique hospital, which is provincial and corresponds to health region XI. In the first case, the program is nearing completion with the second dose of Sputnik to Ensenada health workers. Estévez estimated that they would need to apply around 100 doses to complete the vaccination of 900 priority workers.

At an hour and a half, towards the north of the suburbs, at Escuela Nº 12 Domingo F. Sarmiento of Villa Adelina, Saint Isidre, doses for the elderly had already been received. There, he will be vaccinated until the end of the month, while the vaccination of health workers continues. Meanwhile, IOMA, the provincial social work, will immunize teachers and non-teaching staff in the education system. PAMI will continue to be in charge of vaccinating residents of nursing homes.

The district has 70,000 inhabitants considered to be a population at risk of Covid-19, according to Juan Viaggio, Secretary of Public Health of San Isidro. “The vaccination is up to the provincial health ministry and they are starting to vaccinate the group of more than 70 people in a school,” the official said.

Next week, the San Isidro hospital will be joined by that of Boulogne for health personnel, some 8,700 doctors, nurses and technicians from the public and private sectors. About 3,000 people have already completed the program. “Nearly 70% of the personnel of the public system are vaccinated,” he added.

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