Gastronomic terraces: how to find them, reform them and develop them


They are not easy to find and if you do find one it often requires some work to turn it into a space that can accommodate a restaurant or bar. The terraces, which concerns them, are presented as the possibility of promoting gastronomic activity, avid for outdoor meters that fit pandemic protocols so well.

José Jurafsky, director of the gastronomic consultancy firm and the real estate agency Foodconsulting, specializing in the marketing of gastronomic goodwill, comments that in the current context the search for open spaces such as terraces, patios and gardens has intensified to develop the activity. Likewise, he indicates, the safety rules promoted by the various municipalities, which today only allow the use of 30% of the capacity installed in confined spaces.

“In the federal capital, terraces are hard to find. It requires properties that don’t have tall buildings. The low-rise areas such as Palermo (Hollywood and Soho), Villa Crespo, Chacarita, Villa Devoto, Villa del Parque, Saavedra, Bajo Belgrano, Villa Urquiza, Colegiales, among others, are the places where we can find locations with these characteristics, ”says the broker and consultant.

“The terraces complement the covered rooms, which are generally air-conditioned, offering a more relaxed space directly linked to the climate and natural light, whether by night or day,” adds architect Tamara Jurafsky. “They work as an attraction in summer and spring, and in winter heaters are incorporated to acclimatize them and thus also give them a comfortable use”, he adds, stressing that they are usually found in properties that previously functioned as housing where there is no building above.

According to the Jurafsky, when the work is new, the terrace is projected as the top of the building, “something very necessary even before the pandemic”, with materials for the floors, walls and colors in line with the integral design of the company, giving continuity with the image proposed from the start.

Dimensions vary by property, but generally resemble a covered living space. “We had to do a new job for the Blest brewery in the Núñez district, where from the start the terrace was thought of as a central space worked and designed with the same importance as the closed room on the ground floor”, report -they.

“It is important to give good access to the terrace, to ventilate it so that it can be used all year round and to be able to close it in case of rain, for which mobile systems with tarpaulins are used. We designed a drink bar to streamline service and free up demand for the downstairs bar; It is essential that the servers can see the customer when he needs to order something, ”they explain in Foodconsulting.

Blest Brewery in Núñez
Blest Brewery in Núñez

New furniture, accessories and accessories complete the proposal for a gastronomic terrace. What should be taken into account when choosing them? According to architect Melanie Waingarten, from the Fontenla team, a company with more than seven decades dedicated to design, on the one hand, you have to be careful when choosing the right material for the exterior. Today, he says, the structures coated aluminum They are ideal because they are lightweight, do not overheat, rust and are corrosion resistant as well. Another recommended structure is the treated incense wood, with UV protection that prevents wear.

“On the other hand, you have to choose nautical or waterproof fabrics, or polyester fibers woven with PVC coating, also weather resistant as fabrics to accompany these structures. None of these options fade in light or sunlight and are easy to maintain. Being simple fabrics, usually in neutral colors, they can be combined with decorative pillows that they add a distinctive character to the space, ”says architect Waingerten.

Regarding the type of furniture, they continue in Fontenla, the classic tables for two, four or six people are combined with their respective chairs – always with a differential touch in their aesthetics -, but which coexist in the same space “with a different chill ‘vibe, with casual furnishings that may include lounge games to chaislongues and lounge chairs, which can make dining experience relaxed and less formal.

“One of the most important elements for arranging a terrace is the lightingbecause if point lights, garlands or lanterns are used, the climate to be reached is considerably modified. Sound is also essential to have a good sensory experience, with absorbent elements, we try to reduce the general noise so that the music stands out from the others. The vegetation is very appreciated; Whenever there is a possibility, we place plants, trees or vines to give the space quality and naturalness ”, they add in Foodconsulting.

But in addition to adapting to this time, the truth is that the terrace can also become a mark of identity. According to Francisco García Moritan, owner of Amazonia Brasas, in Palermo, the identity of this Peruvian gourmet restaurant is largely given by its 90 square meter terrace where they have 50 seats, which represents 70% of the activity.

As he shares, finding the place took several months of research and another as much work, from which they converted a small “uninhabitable” patio on the first floor of a former Spanish cuisine restaurant into a terrace with tables, chairs and also a large bar. “We have succeeded in creating a place that offers a more intimate atmosphere than the street. And there is the protected safety factor, ”he adds, differentiating between the two outdoor spaces.

“We have reinforced the ground floor so that the terrace supports the weight and we have adapted the staircase, making it go from 80 centimeters wide to 1.20 meters, so that it allows the ascent and the descent of people and traffic ”, he develops in relation to the works, and underlines that the adaptation of access is in line with the protocol of the government of Buenos Aires of September last year, specific for allow terraces for gastronomic service.

“Obviously, on the terrace, the decor, with plants and lighting provided by torches and candles helps the concept: a restaurant with Peruvian flavors of the jungle”, shares the businessman, stressing that the crystallization of this environment was in charge of the Berna studio, dedicated to the design and manufacture of furniture.

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