Province: on the first day of the operation, 8,153 people over 70 received the vaccine


LA PLATA.– The vaccination campaign against the new coronavirus in over 70 years old, finally started today with 8,153 people vaccinated in 75 districts of the province. Yesterday, the day scheduled to begin the vaccination operation, as announced by the Buenos Aires Ministry of Health, they only finalized the details of the logistics.

There is 48,000 shifts already allocated to the elderly until next Sunday, as specified by the government of Buenos Aires. In the province, the campaign started with the vaccination of health workers in the first place and then continued with the elderly in nursing homes, teachers and assistants over 60 years old.

Regarding the operation, the chief of staff of the Ministry of Health, Salvador Giorgi, told the Telam agency that throughout the province they have opened 169 points in schools and added that inoculation continues in hospitals.

“With this delivery of more than 143,000 doses [de la Sputnik], we are going to vaccinate on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Next week the AstraZeneca vaccine will arrive and we will be vaccinating schools and hospitals, ”he said.

“From March, we are going to move these vaccination centers because classes start in neighborhood clubs, national universities. The idea is to reach 300 vaccination points throughout the province of Buenos Aires, ”he said.

“Today begins the mass vaccination campaign for the inhabitants of Buenos Aires over 70 years old”, announced the governor Axel Kicillof– It is a very great satisfaction because these are neighbors who have gone through this period with great fear for the damage that the coronavirus can cause them. And he concluded: “As long as we continue to buy vaccines, we will continue to use all the resources necessary to vaccinate the population as quickly as possible”.

This morning, in Marcos Paz, one of the neighborhoods in which the operation began, was Juan Antonio Hernández, 100, who became the the oldest citizen of Buenos Aires to have been vaccinated against Covid-19.

Hernández was born on June 2, 1920 and is the youngest son of Spanish immigrants who came to Argentina to escape the war, according to what he said. THE NATION, her granddaughter Andrea Alejandra Hernández. The man, who worked as a railway worker, lived alone until the Covid-19 pandemic struck when one of his sons had to move in with him. He has five grandchildren, 12 great grandchildren and two great great grandchildren.

This morning, after consulting his family doctor, Hernández arrived at school n ° 4, located in Corrientes and on route 40, which today operated as a vaccination center, to get vaccinated. There they gave him the first dose of the Russian vaccine. Then they gave him documentation with the request data and informed him of the date of receipt of the second dose.

“First the sorting to all people who want to be vaccinated, then they go to the pre-vaccination part, then they get vaccinated and wait 30 minutes, which is the regulatory time to wait until there are no side effects immediate and they leave with their card ”, explained Telam Giorgi on the functioning of vaccinations. In fact, Hernández had to wait, after receiving the dose, half an hour in the center of School No.4.

Graciela Zanetta, 74, who suffers from diabetes and high blood pressure and has overcome throat cancer, is one of the elderly still waiting to be called in for the vaccine, after registering for the registry in vaccinatepba.gba.gob .ar line. In La Plata, where he lives, the operation has not yet started. Since last March, she has not left her home and has only seen her grandchildren four times. Because of this, she says, she is determined to get the shot to hug them again.

The campaign started in the following districts: Adolfo Alsina, Adolfo González Chávez, Alberti, Arrecifes, Azul, Benito Juárez, Bolívar, Brandsen, Capitán Sarmiento, Carlos Casares, Carlos Tejedor, Carmen de Areco, Castelli, Chascomús, Colón, Coronel Dorrego , Colonel Pringles, Colonel Suárez, Daireaux, Ezeiza, Florentino Ameghino, General Alvear, General Arenales, General Belgrano, General Guido, General Lamadrid, General Las Heras, General Lavalle, General Madariaga, General Paz, General Pueyrredón, General Rodríguez and General Villegas .

The campaign was also deployed in: Guaminí, Hipólito Yrigoyen, La Matanza, Laprida, Las Flores, Leandro Alem, Lezama, Lincoln, Marcos Paz, Monte, Magdalena, Monte Hermoso, Navarro, Nueve de Julio, Olavarría, Patagones, Pehuajó, Pellegrini, Parchment, Pila, Pinamar, Presidente Perón, Puán, Punta Indio, Rauch, Rivadavia, Rojas, Roque Pérez, Saavedra, Salliqueló, Salto, San Andrés de Giles, San Cayetano, Suipacha, Tapalqué, Tordillo, Tornquist, Trenque Lauquén, Tres Lomas and Villarino.


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