Femicide: a police officer in Cordoba murdered his wife by burning her


CÓRDOBA.- Continuing in an intense way looking for Ivana Modica in the skirt, a sixth case of femicide was recorded this year in Córdoba, where he was known the death of Miriam Beatriz Farías, 45, admitted to the burns institute since the attack suffered last Sunday at his home in this city.

Judicial sources reported that the woman’s husband, identified as Jorge Juárez, 49, and a police officer from that province, is being held for the attack.

The non-commissioned officer was arrested on charges of serious injury, but after the death of his victim, the charge would be changed to homicide aggravated by gender-based violence.

Meanwhile, legal authorities are investigating the death of another womanr, whose body was found in an area near a hospital in that city. Although forensic detectives initially pointed out that it would be suicide, The investigation turned around when it was learned that her partner had several complaints of gender violence.

Emlise Stefanía Gajes was 25 and the mother of a little boy, just over a year old. The prosecution follows the case as a dubious death, but the family of the young woman is convinced of the responsibility of her partner, for which they will become plaintiffs to request measures of proof under the hypothesis of a femicide.

Relatives of the deceased woman assured the press that Gajes had denounced her partner at least twice for acts of gender-based violence, although she later revived the relationship. The woman’s direct parents explained that she had substance abuse problems and after leaving drug treatment she returned to live with the man she had reported for beating and threatening. The prosecution is awaiting the result of the autopsy to advance the investigation.


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