Girl shot to head in Myanmar protests


Demonstrations against the Burmese military junta in Rangoon.  SANTOSH MMR / ZUMA PRESS / CONTACTOPHOTO
Demonstrations against the Burmese military junta in Rangoon. SANTOSH MMR / ZUMA PRESS / CONTACTOPHOTO

The young woman shot in the head during a demonstration against the coup in Myanmar last week in Naipyidó died on Friday. at the hospital, his doctor confirmed.

Mya Thwe Thwe Khine, 20, who was in critical condition in a hospital in the capital, died this morning after being removed from intensive care at 11:15 a.m. local time (4:45 GMT) with permission from her family , his doctor informed the Human. Right Watch Organization (HRW).

The young woman was shot to the head on February 9 by a Uzi type submachine gun while he was at a demonstration against the military junta.

According to the analysis of videos and photographs taken by various humanitarian organizations, theThe young man fell to the ground after hearing a gunshot as he left the front line of a protest that was being interrupted with water cannons by police.

Armored vehicles roll on a highway in Yangon, Burma on February 15, 2021, when the military junta cut internet services and deployed troops and armored vehicles across the country to quell mass protests against the coup. State military and the growing movement of civil disobedience.  which crippled government services.  EFE / EPA / NYEIN CHAN NAING
Armored vehicles roll on a highway in Yangon, Burma on February 15, 2021, when the military junta cut internet services and deployed troops and armored vehicles across the country to quell mass protests against the coup. State military and the growing movement of civil disobedience. which crippled government services. EFE / EPA / NYEIN CHAN NAING

La de Mya Thwe Thwe Khine se trataría de la primera muerte de un protester por la violencia ejercida por las fuerzas de seguridad contra las protestas que se han extendido por todo el país para mostrar su rechazo al golpe de Estado ejecutado por el Ejército el pasado 1 February.

Although the army assured that only non-lethal weapons were deployed during this demonstration, Amnesty International and HRW have both certified that the young woman was hit in the head by live ammunition fired by security forces.

The young woman’s death comes as protests continue across the country against the military uprising and to demand the release of elected leader Aung San Suu Kyi, who was arrested along with part of the government on the same day as the riot.

The military junta responded to the civil disobedience movement with the deployment of soldiers in the streets, daily Internet blackouts and various laws that have violated citizens’ rights.

With information from EFE


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