International Cat Day: the real story of its origin



Considered a skillful prayer for Muslims, from its persistent purring, considered the best and most diligent keeper of Thai princess rings, According to ancient legend, the cat is a character with such a special personality that it is valid to guarantee that indifference will never reign around him.

Punished since 400 AD, by Christians, as bearer of the devil or companion of witches, went from the fires of the Middle Ages to warming up calmly in the houses of the Victorian courtyard.

Indeed, it is Queen Victoria who changes the fate of the cat which passes from hatred and torture to that of “terrible spoiled child” of the courts thanks to the feline preferences of Her Majesty.

However, “Get that cat out of here!” This is perhaps the most popular phrase related to a cat that I could collect as a child. It is that in my family as in all the typical families of that time in our country, cats were not very popular.

The cat has a schizoid personality since, moreover, he leads a real double life (Shutterstock)
The cat has a schizoid personality since, moreover, he leads a real double life (Shutterstock)

Time has taught me that in Argentina, get famous and fall asleep – and surely if your initial fame is bad a worse press will eventually destroy you – no one, but absolutely no one will even believe that you are in. life if the media claim otherwise. It was also the weather and some faithful traveling companions, who have added relatives, which have dramatically changed my macho opinion on the domestic cat.

The cat is not just any character

The cat is a Lord with the name written in all caps and with all the letters that from time to time he renews his confidence, besides mortgaging our affection. The cat accompanies us in life and generally carries us. I usually say that the cat has a schizoid personality since, moreover, he leads a real double life.

The cat acts as if it has the two cerebral hemispheres separated by a door. With a hemisphere works like a domestic cat, at least cuddly and there it behaves as if it were our child and we will see, in passing, how true is this qualification of the relation which, unlike that which we have with the dog, has no component of dominance.

This is why it is so hard for our pet cat to teach the simplest tricks. It’s not that he’s stupid, it’s that he doesn’t want, doesn’t feel submissive, or cares to be submissive, He only cares about loving us and letting himself be loved.

Cats aren't submissive, they don't have to be a survival strategy (Shutterstock)
Cats aren’t submissive, they don’t have to be a survival strategy (Shutterstock)

When the door, in this case the front door, opens, a different and captivating world appears, then our innocent kitten transforms from Mr. Hyde to Dr. Jekill and begins to act with the other hemisphere, the hemisphere. of the wild world. And he can’t even turn around to look at us.

The cat is therefore the closest thing to a double-life animal, almost like this lioness from the movie, “The lioness of two worlds”. On the one hand: we are the pseudo-parents, and on the other the concrete jungle, the adventure of the unexpected, the seduction of freedom.

However, not all that has been said qualifies us for cats as “traitors” or “monstrous” beings. The cats they are not submissive, they do not need to be as a survival strategy. In them their best weapon is seduction and with this they achieve their essential goals and, if they do!

Too bad they are despite their detractors: the cat is the pet of the immediate future, especially considering the fact that 52% of the population of large cities lives alone for one reason or another.

The cat is the pet of the immediate future, especially considering the fact that 52% of the population of major cities live alone (Reuters)
The cat is the pet of the immediate future, especially considering the fact that 52% of the population of major cities live alone (Reuters)

For this human population, the animal cannot require walking time because there is none and it is ideal for urinating and defecating in a certain place.

And cats from an early age they tend to go in sanitary sawdust inside a trough, they sleep in the absence of the master and they can be fed by means of these modern feeders.

This is why the cat is almost a discovery of the Egyptians, but which travels our world today in the hope of being understood and that we deeply appreciate our relationship.

* Teacher. Dr. Juan Enrique Romero. @drromerook is a veterinarian. University education specialist. Magister in psychoimmunoneuroendocrinology. Former director of the small animal school hospital (UNLPam). University professor in several Argentinian universities. International speaker.


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