The Maduro regime staged a concert to demand the release of Alex Saab and paid with bags of food to those present


Scene from the concert organized by the Maduro regime to demand the freedom of Alex Saabe, designated as the figurehead
Scene from the concert organized by the Maduro regime to demand the freedom of Alex Saabe, designated as the figurehead

The regime of Nicolás Maduro organized a concert this Saturday in Plaza Diego Ibarra, in the center of the city of Caracas, to demand the release of Colombian Alex Saab, accused of being the leader of the Chavist dictator.

As usual in the activities organized by the socialist regime, in Plaza Diego Ibarra there were no biosecurity measures as social distancing to avoid contagion of covid-19. In photos posted by the Chavistas themselves, people can be seen without masks and crowded in front of the stage.

Among those who appeared on stage during the concert was reggaeton player Omar Acedo, husband of Daniela Cabello, daughter of Diosdado Cabello, who appeared in videos while singing.

In addition to calling for the release of Saab, participants demand that the United States cease the alleged “blockade” against Venezuela, referring to the sanctions imposed by that country and the European Union on the Maduro regime for its illegal activities , such as the violation of human rights in the country and non-respect of the Constitution.

Aerial photo of the concert organized by the Maduro regime in Caracas in favor of Alex Saab, designated as leader of the dictatorship
Aerial photo of the concert organized by the Maduro regime in Caracas in favor of Alex Saab, designated as leader of the dictatorship

The meeting was heavily criticized by opposition politicians, including the acting ambassador to Colombia, Tomás Guanipa.

“The regime of Nicolás Maduro, regardless of covid-19, using the money of all Venezuelans, organizes a show in Caracas to demand the freedom of Alex Saab, one of its most emblematic representatives of Chavist corruption, corrupt defending the corrupt “, said Guanipa.

People without keeping their social distances, or using a mask to 'prevent covid, removing bags of food as part of the payment after attending a concert hosted by the Maduro regime
People without keeping their social distances, or using a mask to ‘prevent covid, removing bags of food as part of the payment after attending a concert hosted by the Maduro regime

Last week the newspaper Time from Colombia, revealed that Saab’s family moved from Caracas to Moscow earlier this year.

In a low-key operation, model Camilla Fabri (current Saab partner) and other members of her family have left Caracas.

The transfer from Caracas to Moscow had the approval of the regime, which caught the attention of the authorities. The reason is that they had reported that after Saab’s capture on June 12, 2020, the family remained in Caracas with a security system believed to be in place for their protection., as published by the Venezuelan media The National.

A young man carries a bag over his shoulder with products that the Maduro regime gives, as part of the payment for attending a concert to demand the release of Alex Saab
A young man carries a bag over his shoulder with products that the Maduro regime gives, as part of the payment for attending a concert to demand the release of Alex Saab


An employee of the Salva Foods company – a company linked to the Saab figure – who attended the event, told Venezuelan media The Pitazo, What they paid with food and a bag of protein like chicken and meat to those who attended the concert.

After scraping the walls of Caracas with graffiti, hanging banners, organizing caravans and writing letters without a recipient, Chavismo raised the level of his cynicism with the staging of the concert, in an effort to wash away the image of Saab.

Subject wears a T-shirt with Alex Saab's face on and carries a bag of food as payment for attending an event hosted by the Maduro dictatorship
Subject wears a T-shirt with Alex Saab’s face on and carries a bag of food as payment for attending an event hosted by the Maduro dictatorship

In several photos taken by the agency EFEThe typical Yutong buses that the regime uses to mobilize its protesters have been described, this time with their masks down, and the ironic payment of bags with Clap products, the system the dictatorship uses to manipulate the wills of its supporters.

Saab, who is being held in the Republic of Cape Verde, is facing extradition proceedings to the United States which has been approved by a court in the African country and which his team of defense lawyers have asked to be suspended.


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