Dream job: a company offers $ 2,000 to sleep in a 5-star hotel


Sleep standards, which is described as a page that “provides practical advice on sleep and the products to enjoy it”, offers a work to sleep in different places. The chosen person will receive as remuneration 2000 dollars.

“Is your dream job paid for sleeping?” If so, it may be the ideal candidate for our research, ”begins the search for the page, which was published on its official website. They hope to find someone to help them learn more about influence of environmental factors on the quality of sleep.

On the web, they explain that while “sleep is essential for good health and a good quality of life,” not everyone gets enough rest. “There are many factors that determine a person’s quality of sleep and the environment could be part of it,” they add.

The experience consists of sleeping in five different environments
The experience consists of sleeping in five different environments

The chosen person must succeed five nights of sleeping in different environments, including a night in a five star luxury resort.

In each environment, sleep standards researchers will adjust various environmental factors that they think they can improve sleep quality and they specify that none of these configurations will harm the mental and physical health of the chosen one.

In return, the applicant must write a honest report on your sleep experience each night, especially on how each of the adjustments made to a specific sleep environment affects the quality of sleep. In turn, you will also be asked to assess the environment on a scale of 1 to 10.

To apply, you must be over 18 and reside in the United States
To apply, you must be over 18 and reside in the United StatesArchive

In addition to the $ 2,000 reward, all expenses will be covered.

Interested people have time March 30 to fill out a web form and submit a one-minute video explaining why they’re ideal for the job.

On the other hand, applicants must be over the age of 18 and reside in the United States.


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