The Minister of Health, Carla Vizzotti, authorized the Sinopharm vaccine – Telam in emergency


The Minister of Health, Carla Vizzotti, this Sunday signed the resolution 688/2021 which authorizes the vaccine against SARS COV-2 in emergency. developed by Chinese pharmaceutical company Sinopharm in collaboration with the laboratory of the Beijing Institute of Biologics in China, official sources reported.

The decision was signed by Vizzotti after the National Administration of Medicines, Food and Medical Technology (ANMAT) recommended to the Ministry of Health the incorporation of this vaccine in the vaccination campaign carried out by the Government within the framework of Law 27 573/2020 (vaccines intended to generate acquired immunity against Covid-19), sanctioned at the end of October.

The Chinese vaccine developed by Sinopharm It has the particularity of being an “inactivated” vaccine, In other words, it contains a genetically modified version of the coronavirus virus, which prevents it from reproducing and developing the disease, but it generates an immune response in the body, they clarified in the Health portfolio.

Resolution 688/2021 of the ministry headed by Vizzotti, in its article 1, provides for the “emergency” authorization of the inactivated SARS COV-2 (vero cells) vaccine, developed by the Laboratory of the Institute of products Biologicals of Beijing People’s Republic of China “, under the provisions of Articles 8 and 9 of Law 27573 (which establishes specific regulations for coronavirus vaccines) and” in accordance with the recommendations of ANMAT “.

“This measure is part of the trade agreement that the national government has managed with the Chinese National Pharmaceutical Group Corporation for the acquisition of one million doses which will begin to arrive in our country in the coming days”, the same sources reported. .

As with other scientific developments against Covid-19, the Sinopharm vaccine requires the application of two doses which must be inoculated 21 days apart.

Another of its peculiarities is that It can be moved and stored at temperatures between 2 and 8 degrees Celsius, conditions that can be provided by an ordinary refrigerator.

Clinical trials of the vaccine, in its phase I and II, have been published in the British scientific journal The Lancet and have shown that it is “safe and effective”, sources from the Health portfolio said.

Phase III testing was carried out simultaneously in different countries and one of them was Argentina, from the association of Chinese state laboratory Sinopharm with the Husped Foundation, which was founded by infectologist Pedro Cahn.

About 3000 volunteers participated in these clinical trials, which were immunized at vaccination centers.


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