Fonatur defended itself against the millionaire irregularities detected by the ASF in 2019 in the Mayan train


The Mayan train is one of the main undertakings of the López Obrador administration;  now it is under the magnifying glass of the ASF (Photo: Cuauhtémoc Moreno / EFE)
The Mayan train is one of the main undertakings of the López Obrador administration; now it is under the magnifying glass of the ASF (Photo: Cuauhtémoc Moreno / EFE)

The government’s dependence on Andrés Manuel López Obrador in charge of Mayan trends, one of the administration’s main infrastructure projects, was defended this Sunday indications from the Superior Audit of the Federation (ASF) about your expenses in said company in 2019.

The Tourism Development Fund (Fonatur) stated in a statement that the Mayan train “is a transparent project and complies with the regulations”, after ASF asked him to clarify a little more 156.1 million pesos intended for said company.

In the third tranche of the 2019 Public Account, in the Funding and expenditure item, it is pending for clarify 20.7 million pesos, according to documents submitted by the ASF this Saturday to the Chamber of Deputies.

Rogelio Jiménez Pons, Director of Fonatur (Photo: Courtesy of the Presidency)
Rogelio Jiménez Pons, Director of Fonatur (Photo: Courtesy of the Presidency)

In relationship with financial management of federal resources channeled to these works, the agency has not clarified 135.7 million pesos. “In general, the National Fund for the Promotion of Tourism, did not comply with legal and regulatory provisions which are applicable in the matter ”, they added.

However, Fonatur stressed on Sunday that “this report reflects an open process, in which once individual reports are notified to Fonatur, there is a 30 working day deadline present the relevant information and considerations to ASF ”.

It should be noted that Fonatur delivered on time its response to the pre-recommendations and results issued by the FAA. The ASF commented on the responses sent by Fonatur, although these contributions were not included in their entirety in the public assessment report.

In addition, Fonatur said he would continue to deal with the shares issued by the ASF, clarifying any doubts that may arise., to “defend the legality and transparency with which the integral development project has been managed” of the Mayan Train.

The ASF has detected that in the first full year of the AMLO government, 67,498 million pesos were used irregularly (Photo: Courtesy of the presidency)
The ASF has detected that in the first full year of the AMLO government, 67,498 million pesos were used irregularly (Photo: Courtesy of the presidency)

On the other hand, addiction too recognized the vigilance work of the ASF, even if he regretted that the information “is publicly treated as concrete facts and declared, when in reality these are observations which should underpin a defense process ”.

“This audit must be resolved and executed according to established processes and deadlines, it is not resolved by the media. We ask citizens to follow the process through the communication channels of ASF, Fonatur and the Mayan train, ”they concluded.

They also announced that in the next few days they will be announcing the total amount of savings for cash that “the good management and transparency of the various procurement processes” of the Mayan train project has meant, according to Fonatur.

Fonatur has announced that he will announce the savings made by the Mayan train project in recent months (Photo: Cuauhtémoc Moreno / EFE)
Fonatur has announced that he will announce the savings made by the Mayan train project in recent months (Photo: Cuauhtémoc Moreno / EFE)

And it is that the ASF noted irregularities in the central projects and priority social programs of the government of López Obrador, which, among other things, reveals that the cancellation of Texcoco airport cost 232% more than initially estimated by the administration.

In its review, the ASF detected that during the first full year of administration of López Obrador 67.498 million pesos were used irregularly (approximately $ 3,304 million).

Of these, 28,934 million pesos (1,416 million USD) correspond to federal expenditure, that is, the resources that the federal government transfers to states and municipalities through equity, federal contributions, grants and agreements.

Federal institutions that The most frequent irregularities are the Ministry of Communications and Transport (SCT), the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (Sader) and the Ministry of Social Welfare.


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