Joe Biden’s government denounced that the Chinese regime “has not provided sufficient data on the origin of the coronavirus”


Xi Jinping's regime, at the center of criticism for lack of information on the origin of the coronavirus (REUTERS / Carlos Garcia Rawlins)
Xi Jinping’s regime, at the center of criticism for lack of information on the origin of the coronavirus (REUTERS / Carlos Garcia Rawlins)

The United States reiterated on Sunday that Chinese regime failed to provide “sufficient data” on the origin and further spread of the coronavirus, which has been contracted by more than 28 million Americans.

“Están a punto de publicar un inform sobre los orígenes de la pandemia en Wuhan, China, sobre el que tenemos preguntas, porque no creemos que China haya puesto a disposición suficientes original datos sobre cómo comenzó a propagarse esta pandemia tanto en China y luego en everybody”, said Jake sullivan, National Security Advisor to President Joe Biden, on the program “Face the Nation”, chain CBS News.

On February 9, the World Health Organization (WHO) mission that investigated the coronavirus in Wuhan ruled out the possibility that SARS-CoV-2 came from a laboratory, while considering that it is possible that the virus has come to China from other countries via the frozen food cold chain.

Jake Sullivan, National Security Advisor to President Joe Biden (REUTERS / Joshua Roberts)
Jake Sullivan, National Security Advisor to President Joe Biden (REUTERS / Joshua Roberts)

Given the controversy raised by the announcement of the mission, the WHO Director of Health Emergencies, Mike ryan, replied on February 15 that the purpose of the visit was not “to investigate China” but to learn lessons for the future.

But Sullivan pointed out that “The only way to have scientifically-based research is to have access to all the data and not only (…) to know what happened in this pandemic, but to be able to prevent future ones. pandemics. “

“I am not in a position to say how covid-19 got into this world,” the White House official added. All I can do is ask WHO to do its best. “

In this context, he argued that WHO research “should be left in the hands of scientists and experts so that they can carry it out without any interference from any government”, considering that “it is the only way we’re going to know the origins of this are ”.

He also referred to a conversation Biden had on February 10 with his Chinese counterpart, Xi Jinping, which lasted two hours.

Wuhan Market (Shutterstock)
Wuhan Market (Shutterstock)

“President Biden raised the issue of covid-19 and the need for all countries to take responsibility for helping protect the world, including China.”Sullivan argued.

The national security adviser clarified that Washington “is not in a position to comment on the origin of the pandemic”, which he attributed in part “to the lack of sufficient transparency on the part of the Chinese government” .

And when asked about the administration of current former President Donald Trump, he said “he’s not taking pandemic surveillance as seriously as it should”.

The United States is the country worst affected by the pandemic, with more than 28 million infected and nearly 500,000 deaths, according to the independent tally from Johns Hopkins University.

One of the members of the World Health Organization mission sent to China to investigate the origin of the coronavirus denounced the refusal of the Chinese authorities to provide information. The Australian microbiologist Dominic Dwyer He explained that they had requested the raw data of 174 cases identified during the first phase of the pandemic, in Wuhan, in December 2019, but only a summary was provided.

Australian microbiologist Dominic Dwyer, WHO mission member who visited China (REUTERS / Aly Song)
Australian microbiologist Dominic Dwyer, WHO mission member who visited China (REUTERS / Aly Song)

The requested “linear lists” contain information about the questions posed to patients, their responses and how those responses were handled, Dwyer told The Australian Press: “This is normal in an outbreak investigation.”

This original data is of particular importance given that only half of those 174 cases were exhibited at the Wuhan market, where it is believed the contagion could have originated. “That’s why we insisted on it,” said the Australian microbiologist. And he added, “I can’t say why they didn’t give them to us. If it’s for political reasons, times or if it’s difficult … but if there are other reasons, I don’t know them. You can only speculate ”.

Dwyer admitted that the Chinese authorities had delivered a large amount of material, But the raw patient data should be included in the final report of the fact-finding mission. “The people at WHO certainly believe they have received a lot more data than in previous years, so in itself that is progress.”

The team arrived in Wuhan on January 14, considered the epicenter of the pandemic and, after two weeks of quarantine, visited places such as the Wuhan Seafood Wholesale Market, where the first cluster of known infections have occurred. Like the Wuhan Institute. of Virology, which studies various types of coronavirus.

With information from EFE

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