They vaccinated retirees with “air” to save coronavirus vaccines


February 22, 2021 9:04 AM

Citizens showed their outrage after several videos started going viral on social media. Police are investigating the incident.

They vaccinated with "air" to retirees to save vaccines against the coronavirus
They vaccinated retirees with “air” to save coronavirus vaccines

Amid the slow and uneven progress in immunization in Latin America, several countries in the region were dotted with complaints of irregularities in inoculation processes. To the scandal in Peru and Argentina where several government officials received the vaccine outside of regulated processes, now the case of Brazil, where it has been reported that retirees are vaccinated with “air”.

The practice that provoked the outrage of citizens has been observed through different videos made in different regions of the country that have been viral on social networks.

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In the pictures you can see how three elderly people from different parts of the country were vaccinated. However, in some cases the syringes were empty and in others the person responsible for the inoculation never pressed the syringe so that the plunger entered the body.

The videos were reproduced by the Telemundo network, which reported that the nurses were separated from their posts and one of them said it was not intentional.

Brazil: report that retirees were vaccinated with “air”

In addition, the woman stressed that she did not perceive the problem at the time of inoculation. However, he has been suspended while the events are investigated, as confirmed by the Petrópolis Health Secretariat.

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After the images went viral, the Rio de Janeiro civil police issued a statement stating that “if investigations confirm that there has been a dose deviation, or any other irregularity, the healthcare professional may be charged by the crime of embezzlement (embezzlement), which provides for penalties of up to 12 years in prison ”.

For his part, the Secretary of Health of Petrópolis, Aloisio Barbosa da Silva assured that “Brazil has a large team of nurses” and estimated that “an isolated event can not compromise a service that follows the protocols of the ministry of Health. The important thing is to get vaccinated ”.

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