Supreme Court to review Trump administration restrictions on abortion clinics and immigration


The seat of the Supreme Court of the United States in Washington DC (AFP)
The seat of the Supreme Court of the United States in Washington DC (AFP)

Some of the most controversial determinations of the Trump administration concerned the previous government’s decision to limit federal funds for family planning to prevent it from reaching abortion clinics and the decision to limit access to public benefits for immigrants. Such was the controversy of these decrees and policies, that the trial has reached the Supreme Court and the decision will be made even after the end of the Donald Trump administration.

While the government of new President Joe Biden is expected to reverse these decrees, the Supreme Court had yet to rule on measures that could lead to a permanent setback. Biden has already tasked a group of his staff to review these measures, a sign that he is trying to change them.

What will be the control of the highest court?

Regarding abortion, this will be the first big test of the new Supreme Court in which there are currently 6 conservative judges and 3 more progressive judges.

US President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump
US President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump

Under the rule known as Title X, clinics such as those belonging to the Planned Parenthood program and others in 34 states across the country are no longer able to receive a portion of the more than $ 250 million allocated. family planning and sex education programs. because they offer termination of pregnancy services. Long-standing laws, predating the Trump administration, prohibit the federal government from funding clinics for performing abortions. What the Trump administration has done is withdraw funds for other types of services. This is what the Supreme Court must determine if it is constitutional.

Several initial courts have validated the policy implemented by the Trump administration. The California Attorney General until a few weeks ago was Xavier Becerra, who led the legal battle in that state against Title X. Becerra is now the one chosen by Joe Biden to head the Department of Health and Human Rights. social services at the federal level, it should continue its battle now at the national level, if the Senate confirms it in this position.

Regarding public benefits for immigrants, the Trump administration has determined that immigrants who receive benefits such as Medicaid, food assistance, or other types of assistance face further scrutiny by officers. immigration by considering their case. The measure was approved by a court, then put on hold by another judicial body, to now reach the Supreme Court.

When will the decision be known?

While today’s announcement makes the headlines, the Supreme Court has its own time. The cases will likely be reviewed in the spring in the United States. While it may take several months for a decision to be made, it is hoped that it will be before the Biden administration can put in place any new plans to overturn these rules imposed by the previous administration.


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