Xi Jinping advances plan to end democracy completely in Hong Kong: “only patriots” will be allowed to stand for election


Chinese regime leader Xi Jinping aims to end Hong Kong's democracy and maintain the same control he has in the rest of the country, with no room for dissent (Reuters)
Chinese regime leader Xi Jinping aims to end Hong Kong’s democracy and maintain the same control he has in the rest of the country, with no room for dissent (Reuters)

Xi Jinping ordered to advance completely with the remnants of democracy that still survive Hong Kong. That is why he instructed his delegates to accomplish the assigned mission. The boss of the Hong Kong Business Office Yes Macau, Xia baolong, announced on Monday that the Chinese regime plans to implement a plan to ensure that “only patriots“They are in charge of the Chinese special administrative region. In a speech Baolong stated that “the most vital task to achieve the government of the patriots is to put in place the appropriate systems, especially in electoral matters ”. “To be a patriot is to love China“, he said.

Comments from Xia they suggest that Beijing looks for a way to ensure that opposition candidates do not run for office Hong Kong, according to newspaper information China Morning Post. As he explained, the authorities must “put an end to these types of attitudes“It helps people with ideas”anti-chinaGet into politics.

Improving the electoral system must be one of the priorities of the central government“, appeared. For him, the criteria for discerning a”true patriot”Includes love for the country, the Constitution and the Communist Party. In this sense, he stressed that the judicial system should also be composed of “patriots“This is a clear warning of the Chinese government’s attempt to undermine the independence of the Hong Kong courts.

For his part, the chief executive of Hong Kong, Carrie Lam, applauded his words and rejected the criticism of an alleged “oppression»In dissenting voices. “If that word is to be used, it is about those who seek Hong Kong independence, who want to lead the region into abyss and violence, and who forget their ancestors.», He lamented. “These are those who do not recognize themselves as Chinese, who ally with foreign forces and political organizations to destroy Hong Kong“, He declared during a press conference.

Hong Kong and regime-aligned chief executive Carrie Lam backed Xi Jinping's initiative (Reuters)
Hong Kong and Beijing-aligned chief executive Carrie Lam backed Xi Jinping’s initiative (Reuters)

After the imposition of China of a broad national security law in the city last year, authorities decided to deport members of the Legislative Council officials deemed insufficiently loyal and detained veterans of the opposition on charges including illegal assembly and collusion with foreign forces. Critics of government and Western governments accuse Beijing to break his word and put an end to the framework of “one country, two systems“Leading the vibrant Asian financial center.

Lam He said political struggles and unrest in the city, including anti-government protests in 2019 and protests in 2014, have shown that there are still people who are.quite hostileTo the central authorities of China. “I can understand that the central authorities are very worried, they do not want the situation to deteriorate further so that “ one country, two systems ” cannot be implemented“” Lam said at a press conference.

Hong Kong He also said on Tuesday he plans to require district councilors, many of whom are elected directly by their constituents and tend to be more politically independent, to pledge allegiance to Hong Kong as a special region of China. Currently, only the CEO, senior officials, members of the executive council, lawmakers and judges are required to take the oath.

People found to be improperly sworn in or not respecting the city’s mini-constitution, the fundamental law, will be disqualified and banned from running for public office for five years., according to Secretary for Constitutional and Continental Affairs, Erick Tsang.

Opposition figures swept the district council elections after the 2019 protests and authorities in Beijing have since tried to prevent them from influencing other aspects of the political system.

(With information from Europa Press and AP) .-


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