Coronavirus: “Hidden” Symptoms That Could Indicate You Have The Disease


February 23, 2021 10:26

A new study has found that a third of those infected did not have any of the classic symptoms of the disease.

Coronavirus: symptoms "hidden" this could indicate that you have the disease
Coronavirus: “Hidden” Symptoms That Could Indicate You Have The Disease

Much has been said so far about the classic symptoms of coronavirus. Fever, cough, loss of smell and taste are the classic triad that indicates that a person may be suffering from the disease.

However, as the world moves forward with the vaccination plan, a new study has found that a third of those infected do not have such symptoms. Therefore, the focus was on “hidden” symptoms of covid-19.

According to a study published by King’s College London, if detection is limited to cough, fever and anosmia, only 69% of cases emerge, while if the list of symptoms is extended to seven, 96% would be detected. The study was conducted on a total of 122,000 adults via the ZOE COVID Symptom Study app.

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The symptoms on which the study calls to focus are, in addition to the classic triad, fatigue, headache, sore throat and diarrhea.

It should be noted that if the health authorities of several countries have already identified them in a long list, they have identified them as rare. Now the UK study highlights them as important.

The researchers even assured that in some patients these symptoms appear first. Headache and diarrhea would occur within the first three days of infection, while fever would occur until the seventh.

In fact, 31% of people with Covid have been shown to have no fever, cough or anosmia in the early stages of infection, when the virus is most transmissible.

On the other hand, the researchers developed a model to find out what proportion of positives are found with each symptom in the first days of infection. When it is limited to coughing and breathing problems, 46% of the positives are identified; if we add fever, the proportion of positives increases to 60%, and with anosmia, the percentage increases to 69%.

But when the cases are added to the list, fatigue and headaches, the identified positives increase to 92%. The researchers admit that these two symptoms are manifested in many other diseases, but asked that they be taken into account in detection models, in combination with others.

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