Vaccines and VIP lists capture the attention of entrepreneurs


At UIA, they worry about the long absence of workers over 60 Source: archives

Entrepreneurs continue since Friday the vip vaccination scandal with special attention. First, out of a little morbid curiosity: they want to know if more businessmen are among those benefiting from Posadas hospital or home injections. “Thank God, so far there is no factory manager. Likewise, if they show up, let everyone take control”, anticipated this afternoon a director of the Argentine Industrial Union ( UIA), which has just completed the Zoom of the executive committee.

The other reason for the waking state is linked to a specific emergency: They plan to meet the new Minister of Health, Carla Vizzotti, to ask him what companies are allowed to self-vaccinate employees over 60.

The subject came back today during the meeting of UIA. The calculation of the manufacturing entity is that this universe of adult workers at risk can reach 10% of the workforce in general, although this segment should be subtracted from those with previous illnesses. “We must either raise the age of the permit from 60 to 65 or allow ourselves to make a decision about it: these people have not been going to work for a year,” they said.

This second option, euphemistically mentioned, “make a decision about it”, is the dismissal or retirement And that sounds quite irritating and unlikely from a government perspective in an election year.

This is why they want to talk about it with the new minister, with whom they had to renew the request for a hearing that they had already made weeks ago to the predecessor, Ginés González García.

At this afternoon’s meeting, Isaías Drajer, representative of ELEA laboratories, discussed in front of his UIA peers how many vaccines could reach the country in the short term. He spoke of the Sputnik V, with which the country has so far, million Sinopharm that the government promises for this week and that of AstraZeneca, made in the group he represents and on which he predicted the arrival of 11 million doses between March and April. Drajer reassured them again with a technical clarification: All three brands, he said, have adequate immunity floors and are able to avoid hospitalization for those who apply them, in many cases only with the first dose.

The fate of the factory management begins from increased labor cost which brought about the pandemic and the quarantine. “At least 50% of the population must be vaccinated by May, I don’t know if this will be possibleOne of the executives said this afternoon. An ambitious goal, but without which, they add, negotiations with the government at the sectoral tables of prices and wages will be more complicated. How to give the wage increases demanded by the policy, above inflation, if the costs remain high and the maximum prices persist? they wonder. The first call to discuss it, whose invitations have been arriving the day before yesterday, will be for the food chambers on Thursday, with officials from the Ministry of Productive Development and the Secretary of Commerce.

Without the vaccine, the rebound in activity will be meager. This is the other less visible electoral cost of the VIP vaccination.

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